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Transformation Completish (Driving me mad now help please!)

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Right guys just thought you might be interested. I'm carrying out a few mods today, well starting and here's the list.


264/264 Cams

New tappets

Port matched inlet manifold

Re profiled throttle body

Neuspeed thermostat and rad switch

Newsouth inlet mani gasket

Plastic rocker cover

New starter motor

Alternator tensioner and belt


Well as you can see quite a bit to do but I'm off work for a few days so don't need to rush! Ill try to get some pictures up and may need your help if I stumble across anything!


Fingers crossed everything will run smoothly ! :)

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Nice one mate, keep me posted on that bottom left manifold bolt. I think you might have to take the alternator bracket off and the PAS pump and bracket!


VEEDUBBED, OBD2 VR6s had a plastic rocker cover. It suppresses tappet noise better and it's about a 3rd of the weight of the alloy one!

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Right I started a little later than I wanted ! Heres some pics of the stage Im at. Theres been a couple of problems with allen bolts on brackets not wanting to budge ,so Ive been having to chisel them undone! :mad:


I havnt got that far kev ,but that doesnt sound good!


The new starters in place ,upper manifold and radiator removed.

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OBD2 VR6s had a plastic rocker cover. It suppresses tappet noise better and it's about a 3rd of the weight of the alloy one!


Do they do plastic covers for G60s?

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good luck mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


plastic ftw btw bbq etc

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Spent ages writing a thread and pressed the wrong button ,and cant be ar**d to write it again ,very tried :sleeping:


Heres some pictures anyway! And the cams and followers are in now but not shown in pics !



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I completed all the work on Saturday morning after stripping the cam cam cover of to double check the timing. After realising that it was actually timed to the wrong mark I refitted the top chain probably about 6 times ! The timing mark on the bottom pulley was 5mm out to the cams!

After fitting them several times and still getting the same result I decided to give Vince a call for some advice as I don't really want to take it to him for a remap if its not timed right .I let him know what was happening and in the end we decided it was just tolerance of the chain slack etc!


Well after getting that sorted I rebuilt the rest of the engine back up with the port matched mani and re profiled TB. Everything went back together fairly smoothly with no bolts left over! The car started after a few seconds and run pretty good ,but with one noisy tappet that didn't go for a while and the idle a little erratic. After all the cooling system was bled through I took it for a spin. You could feel the difference and hearit in the sound of the engine ,more throaty but keep stalling every junction and was a bit annoying ! :mad: When I got it back home I had the bonnet up and wiggled the throttle position sensor and it seemed to mess around with the idle ,so I assumed this was knackered. So all I got to do is swap it over with the one that was originally on the car .The only thing is I cant because it bolts to the TB differently and they are not interchangeable! Right so Ill order one from vw ,the part number doesn't show on etka ?

Is this because its come from Germany and they have a different spec ,I don't know ?

I managed to wiggle it a bit to a point that it idled at 1100 but didn't cut out so I drove it back like that. Ive now put back the old TB for now in till I solve the problem . Does this now mean that the TB I brought is no good to me?


This is the part number of the sensor on the ported TB: 021 907 385


Has anyone come across this before or got any advice cheers!

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Sorry silly blind me it is the same number! Just checked the ported one again. :oops: Well I did read it while it was on the car!

But this stiil means I need the earlier smaller type !

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Well done for doing all that yourself mate, the timing is a bit unnerving the first time you do it isn't it? Glad you sorted that.


On the throttle sensor, I think I know what you mean. The original one is a big old thing that uses long bolts. VW have now superceded it with a much smaller one that uses bolts about a 3rd of the length.


If it's a throttle from Alpina527, he tends to leave the TPS on there that was given to him, so it might be knackered. I think new ones are about £40. you should just need that and the throttle will be OK. The only other thing it could be is the throttle stop has been messed with and the TPS is getting confused.


Have you got VAG-COM? Hook it up and check the TPS shows 13 degrees or less at rest in the measuring blocks. Then slowly press the accelerator and look for a smooth voltage increase. If it jumps from say 30 degrees to 40 deg in a big jump, the TPS is knackered.

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Cheers kev I quite enjoyed it! So your saying that the one ive got on the original TB is the early big type? So this means if my original TPS was knackered Id have to get a new TB ,because there not interchangeable as I said? Ive now put the old TB back on after disconnecting the battery and now Im getting it stalling at every stop again with lumpy idle! :mad:

Ive got a copy of VAG com but dont know how to get the measuring blocks up.I have version 311.2. Do you have to let it do a complete scan before you can get the option to read blocks?

I did take the sensor off the original just to be nosey ,could this of fecked it up? Is there a certain way you have to put them back on?

Any help on this would be great ,its starting to do my head in a bit ! :?

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The new and old style TPSs both fit the same throttle mate, the only difference is the physical size and bolt length, but they do exactly the same job inside. So no, you don't need a new throttle, just a new sensor maybe. and yep, the big TPS is the original factory fit one. The new ones are about half the depth.


There's no special procedure for fitting the new TPS, you just have to reset the ECU so that it registers the change, otherwise it will idle too high.


To get to the measuring blocks you just load up the engine module, then go to the button marked "Measuring blocks". I can't remember the number you have to go to, but use the up and down buttons until you see the "throttle angle" setting.


The lumpy idle *might* be due to the cams, I know my old Schrick 268s made the idle lumpy when it was hot. Stalling..... that's a hard one to crack but from what you've said so far, it does sound TPS related.

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Ill have to get a picture up of the one Ive been sent from Micha in Germany, it will definitely not fit my original TB the thread holes are in a different place! Where it would screw in is solid alloy, blanked off! Thats why I was saying about needing a new TB.

Why when putting the original TB back on is it stalling worst than when I had the flowed one on?

Cheers for the help mate! Ill have another fiddle with the VAG COM tomorrow. The car flew down the dual carriage definitely a improvement !

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I've seen 3 different shape TPSs mate but they all fit AAA and ABV throttles, but yeah, a pic paints a 1000 words eh?


The cams are drawing more air in so a flowed throttle will help maintain the idle.


I bet it did fly! I loved my 268s with the Schrick manifold, it flew round to the limiter like a good 16v and I didn't even bother with a remap!

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Ive taken the car for a spin today to VWs with the flowed DVG TB and let the parts matey have a look.He immediately said it wasn't an original Pierberg ,but the part no for the TPS was good! I explained that it was the same as the one on the Pierberg but they are not interchangeable. So I think that Im a bit stuffed at the minute and there's not a lot I can do! He did mention that the TPS was also £75 + :shock: Do they chop and change there prices when ever they feel like it?

Anyway on the drive there it didn't cut out every time but quite often! It seems to be idling in the middle of 0 and 1000 ,which I think is a bit low?

Even when it doesn't stall it still drops the revs to low and then blips up again.

Apart from the idling issues and cutting out it runs very well indeed!

I think I'm going to take the TB off again and have a look at the pot adjustment and see if that helps?

Ill get some pictures up soon ,Ive got the camera off my gf but forgot the USB!

Any advice welcome cheers!

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Right heres some pics for you! I think I can get a sensor for the DVG but at £75 + ,your having a laugh! The difference in part numbers after having another look is a B on the end of the Pierburg number I think thats why he quoted me £75 and not £40?

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I see your problem now the TPSs now! I think you'll have to either refit the old body or get a new TPS for the DVG and stick with that?


I've never seen a DVG throttle before, looks to have a much larger body than the OE pierburg ones, looks good!

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I put the Pierburg one back on yesterday ,and I was still getting cutout problems when decelerating from a few thousand rpm! :mad:

I took it off just and adjusted the pot as shown in the Bentley manual and I think it may of got slightly worse!! Do you reckon it could have something to do with the cable adjustment as the inlets moved say 3mm ish?

This is really starting to frustrate me and drive me mad !! :mad:

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Can I just add that when I put the original throttle on yesterday I did forget to put the breather hose back in the big inlet pipe! So it was running and cutting out with the pipe off for a while ,I then popped the bonnet and put it back in and carried on. Could this mean that I need to run it through basic settings or something because thats messed all the settings up??

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Right fed up with the car at the minute,Im going to have a break from it till saturday when Ill have a new sensor for the DVG body. I will then mess around with VAG COM ,basic settings and all that. Im going to give it a treat to a expensive oil change using Motul 300V 10w 40!

Ill let you know if all is solved saturday ,sorry if ive been a boring pain!

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