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VR6 to a G60

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Starting to really think about my next car and what i am going to go for once we moved into the new house and my finances have recovered again.


I had always planned without a doubt to pick another VR (was going to buy in the winter when prices are slow and at a low ebb) - pick something up for cheapish and spec some cash on getting it just how i want. Recently i have seen a few G60's and i have always liked the sound of tinkering around with the boost, pulleys etc,etc - but i wonder what it would be like to go from a very nice running VR6 to a G60, esp after reading a handful of posts from G60 owners selling up to by a VR6??


Has anyone on here gone down that path - Vr6 to a G60.


And also to make things even more simple i saw this baby at my local Audi garage, which has now made things even more harder to decide on:


Its a hard life :)

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I've never owned a G60 but I own a vr and have driven the G60.


I'd say the biggest single difference is gonna be the power delivery/gearing. Even a tuned G with similar power just feels so different to a vr. Big dollops of go in each gear but a bit short-lived, whereas the vr feels sluggish at first but each gear goes on for ever and it rocks in the high-mid and top end. Both very nice but poles apart imo.


As for the Audi? Don't be so gay :)

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I've owned a Vr6 before and this one is my first G60. Basically IMO the G60 is a very fun street racer.... I will say Its great fun but i do miss my VR6 when i'm doing abit of traveling on the Motorways....

I think this is where the VR6 comes into its own cat'ry, Its a pure Motorway cruiser..


So it all depends on where the majority of your driving or fun is done!!!!

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never owned a G60,but have driven a couple in the past modded and unmodded ones too..............anyway i prefer the VR6 :wink: thats not to say the G60 is rubbish or inferior but i find the VR more refined and the G60 more the point and squirt car........depends what you want from a car at the end of the day :wink:

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