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Help needed with early heater system....

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I'm in the process of removing all traces of a non-working air-con system from my G60 and putting it back to normal. Please can someone with a standard setup tell me if this is the normal connector which attaches to the blower motor.


On mine this went into a plate connected to the top of the ventilation horn and then 2 wires came out from that to the blower, which all looks after market.

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Cheers Riley. It plugged into a metal plate about 2 inches by 1 inch - is the picture in the clicky of the back of the resistor pack?? I must admit I haven't taken off the plate to look behind it yet...

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yeah thats showing the back jmc m8,thought i had a pic showing the front too but cant find it :roll:


the plate just pops off if you wanna double check...


sounds about right though :D

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