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Wheel Grumble

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I've just replaced the steelies on my Mk2 (185/60 R14 6J) with a set of Sebrings (185/55 R15 6J). All was well for 200-odd miles, but the off-side front wheel has developed an intermittent grumble.

I sounds like gravel being rattled in a drum, but about two octaves lower (sorry, best description I can think of).

I've checked the bolts - fine, the suspension - fine and not fouling, the interior of the wheel - fine & brakes (seem fine) and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions?

It starts about 30mph (but not all the time), sometimes at 50mph, sometimes not at all. It's not related to the car being in gear (noise continues when coasting), and only ever lasts about 5-10 seconds before going away.

Any suggestions as to whet to check gratefully recieved!



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Hey up Tom, it sounds like it could be the wheel bearing on its way out to me? To check for play jack up the car so the dodgy wheels in the air, grab the top and bottom of the wheel and then pull back and forth as if your trying to tilt the wheel vertically any movement/play indicates wear.

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Hey man, how's the old girl running? Not given you any grief I hope? I did think it might be the bearing, but it's not a constant grumble that disappears on cornering.

I'll break out the jack once I've got my taxi sorted tonight!



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She's doing well and hasn't given me too many probs...yet! The radiator popped and left me stranded on the M1 a while back, got decent breakdown cover now though, is your taxi covered for your trip?


Not sure what else it could be on your G, try swapping that wheel to the otherside, then you'll know if its caused by the wheel or something else.

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Full European Breakdown cover here! 8) I think we're gonna need it judging by the current state of the cab...

I'll swap the wheels over when I get a moment, as that's a great idea that completely passed me by... :oops: Come on brain, in gear :-)

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