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02J shifter mechanism

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i've been a busy boy today fitting my rebuilt 02A box, i also managed to get hold of an 02J shifter mechanism, however the cables dont fit, i also think i need a new bracket that holds the cables onto the top of the box, am i right? which cables do i need or is there another solution?

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you need to swap the 02j shift tower that slides down into the tranny.......or you can chop the top of the 02a one and put the 02j shift levers on so the cables can attach, you can swap the 02a cable mount on im pretty sure, dont remember having to do this.

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correct. you need o2a everything, or o2j everything, you can't mix and match


by everything I mean


shifter, cables, bracket, shifter tower on box.


beauty of the 02j is it's self calibrating. just pop back the spring loaded cable ends and lock them with a twist. them lock the shifter tower using the l shaped black lever on the front. pop a drill bit through the lever and the location hole (must be a tight fit) then un lock the spring loaded thingys again.bingo, perfectely calibrated. (then remove the drill bit and the locking pin)

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phatvr6 is correct everything needs swapped, but like i said, if you are dead set on using the box and cables, you would only need the side to side, and front to back parts from the 02j shift tower(on tranny) you then remove the reverse switch(black thing on top) and cut it down flush, then you simply just put on the o2j parts, then everythign will bolt right up. but o2j shift tower is a lot easier on yea if your really not into fabbing things up or whatnot.

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Are all 02j shifter mechs a straight swap for the 02a mech?


Have a 02j box waiting to be fitted, but still need the shifter mech. I have seen one from a 1.9Tdi Bora but Im unsure whether this would physically fit in place of the current shifter?

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I have the 02j shift tower and the cables all ready though.


I heard the 02j shifter was better than the 02a; and as my 02a shifter is pretty well dead I thought it would be a better option to just upgrade to an entire 02j shifter mech?

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Cool!....so any idea if a 1.9Tdi o2j Bora/(Jetta) shifter would bolt straight in; in place of the current one?

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you have to get a steel strap to mount it, put the box in you will see. just gotta bend it like a half of a box, and then that will hold it up and in. just get in there, pretty easy to fit.

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