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Gear stick jerking in 4th gear

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Hi, I've been searching all day for a related post but have not been successful. I have recently changed my 16V C for a '94 VR6 mk3 golf (due to lack of funds for a vr6 C). Everything seems fine with the gearbox except that when driving along in 4th, the gear stick jerks forwards and backwards as the accelerator is pressed and depressed.


This is not really causing any problems, but i would like to get it sorted for when i come to sell it...to get a C again! :D


Thanks in advance


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if it only in 4th then it most likey to be a gearbox problem

if its in 2nd and 4th then worn engine/gearbox mounts or gearbox

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Posted the same thing on vwvortex, someone said that it could be a tooth missing on 4th gear. Still seems to pull ok in 4th, but the gear stick does vibrate a bit. 2nd gear seems fine in all respects.


Thanks for your help.

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