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unable to obtain 4th Gear

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Ok as you may or may not know my corrado got written off 4 weeks ago for some petty damage.


The good news is: she is now sat on my drive at home looking stunning all bar one panel.


The bad news is: I can not find 4th gear its almost as though its blocked, I have checked all the cables and knuckles and everything is in place as it should be. All other gears are spot on, after the accident I believe it was spot on I can't remember as I was a bit dazed, as soon as i got the car back from the garage it was fooked.


Can anyone tell me how I adjust the cables to see if this is the problem or could someone suggest anything else I can try to start isolating the problem.

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The bump did not do an aweful lot of damage to the car although it was a 30 mile an hour sliding hit to be honest Mike. However as I know the road very well I was most probably in 3rd but could well have been 4th.


What would be the next best check for me to establish where to go next before taking the gearbox off? If it was just a tooth that in theory would not stop it going into 4th.


Is it possible this just needs adjusting somewhere?

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