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corrado g60 engine

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Hi all ive big problem hope its not head gasket! When i start the car an let it heat coolent is being forced out of the water bottle cap! I have it in at my local garage an they have noticed water leaking at the front of the engine were the black an blue switches are located tight to the block could this be wots causing the coolent being forced out? Also could it be the water pump sticking or the thremostat on its way out? Can you buy the pump or thremostat seperate an were at please? cheers simon.............

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Sounds like you have an air lock in the cooling system have you lost any coolant recently and had to top it up???

The water leaking could just be a worn seal on the housing where the two sensors fit into. Chances are that you have air in the cooling system fro water loss, does the car run ok apart from the water bubbling out the tank???

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Quite true Walesy, need to know more about how the car got this way it seems from the first post that he has a water leak from the housing where the blue water temp sensor is on the front of the engine.

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Had the car in about a month ago getting new cap(blue?should it not be black?) two new sensors put on an new coolent but most of witch has gone mate!The car has started to splutter a little on start up but after about 30sec it runs sweet as a nut! Just got word there from my local garage that the housing were the sensors are has a hairline crack in it :(

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Sound like you have been leaking coolant since the sensors were put in, did the car do any of this before you got the work done???

Fresh Anti-freeze/coolant always seems to find the weakest point in the cooling system and leaks out...

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s**t sorry mate i forgot to say the reason it was in the first time! the housing at the side of the block had a hairline crack in it to so i had it replaced to an the cap f****d to so i got euro car parts to send me one but it was blue would this make any difference mate :?:

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blue one is the updated replacement for the black ones which are no longer available... ;)

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