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Best method to bed in new brakes?

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I am having new EBC Turbo groove discs and green stuff pads fitted on Friday :D .My question to anyone is what's the best method for bedding in new discs&pads together :?: .Should they be bed quickly using the "brake from 60-5mph,repeat 10 times"method,or using the "light braking for the next 300 miles"method? :? :?


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Just avoid emergency stop style braking for the first few hundred.


I didn't with my Pagid discs and pads and had blue smoke pluming from the front wheels! Thankfully I didn't warp the discs :?



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Thanks for your opinions,the softly,softly approach would be my fisrt choice then.Anyone find a qiuck way to bed in their brakes,successfully? :twisted:

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No, best to bed them in properly otherwise the Pads will shine up and squeek!


It took about 500 miles to fully bed in my fast roaders...


I started to break harder after 300 but noticed they got considerably more responsive over the next 200 as well, highly recomended!

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just dont do any major braking for aprox 2-3 hundred miles and you should be ok,might be wise to change your brake fluid aswell

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Brakes now fitted :D ,sooo hard to drive "normally" though :twisted:

Will update this post again on progess or at 300 miles for anyone who's interested 8)

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Well I am +300 miles and will admit I have been treating the brakes very lightly up to now, not even normal braking,so I plan to start braking normally up to +500 miles then I will consider some later braking tests. :evil:

I can say up to now they are superior than my oe,although effective from cold seem to bite harder when warmed up.I am getting some brake dust as I am still bedding in,hope this reduces by +1000 miles.

There is no sqealing or other high pitch sounds but you can definately hear the breaks working compared to the oe,this is probably due to the grooves.

Have to say they look great also. :D

Will post back +500 miles.

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+750 miles.The braking is excellent compared to oe,for example my oe used to fade under heavy braking now the braking becomes more intense as the pads seem to work best with a little heat in them.They are better than oe from cold too.

Brake dust is minimal now as they are fully bed in,though they seem to be still improving.

For fast road use I would certainly reccomend them. 8)

Will post back +1000 miles.

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