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VR6 Running rough as...

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you say early, how early? is it distributed or coil packed? cause it sounds pretty much exactly like a back coil pack... they are known to crack... when they crack to loose spark... and when it gets hotter the crack spreads even more and looses even more spark... causing the car to run even worse...


i would like to say bad O2 sensor but it's not... the computer does not take any information at all from the O2 sensor while the engine is cold. when it reaches runnign temp the ECU reads the O2 and fi it is bad it will instantly start running poorly... so we can count that out...


but if you say the coolant system straightened out the problem then i dunno what totell you haha

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It is distributed - but had changed the distributor / arm / etc thinking that the problem could have been seated there!


Not sure it was with the coolant or with some dodgy wiring - didn't seem to be linked to the engine temperature - although did think it for a while!


If the problem comes back I'll be back on here with the next set of possibles!

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