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Saint Tricky

Which Owners Club?

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Just bought a C and got reduced Insurance coz I said I would join an owners club asap.

Simple question really, which one?

And where do I find it.



P.S. Adrian Flux may give the smallest quote but they also give the biggest headache with paperwork and mistakes to the policy. :mad:

Rant over. :)

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Not sure to be honest. Before I would have said join the Corrado Club of GB (http://www.corradoclub.org) but we get just as many discounts with insurers these days just mentioning that you are a member on here!

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Corrado Club of GB, although you dont seem to get many mags for your money these days... :roll:


I think I've had 2 this year (..or maybe its just 1, I cant actually remember)

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Yup, mention the CCGB. Also mention you're subscribed to some mags. It all goes to show that really, we're just being ripped off by the insurance companies, or more precisely the brokers, as if membership to clubs and reading mags makes any difference (if any), then I wonder what insurance is actually all about. People should claim less when non-Corrados are involved to get the overall costs down, hence to get premiums doen, oh and insurrance companies should make less profit (so they're not in a position where they're wondering what to do with all the money, hmm, let's build another brandnew state-of-the-art headoffice ... :mad:).


although you dont seem to get many mags for your money these days...


You should have received a letter this summer outlining that the CCGB is only publishing 2 mags a year, this was also discussed at the AGM :-) The 2nd one for this year is actually being finalised by the editor(s). In additoon to the mags, as a member you have exclusive access to the CCGB forum, picture area, where SteveMac posts up all sorts of piccies of shows etc., provided he receives them, of course.


The CCGB is and always will be very much a club for its members run by its members, yes, every member :-)



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Im with CCGB and here, best two C clubs around 8)


Off topic: Eric, you heared from Stevemac lately? Sent him an email, and PM from CCGB last week, but had no reply.

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Eric, you heared from Stevemac lately? Sent him an email, and PM from CCGB last week, but had no reply


Yes, I went over to him about 1.5 weeks ago to collect some parts, when BlueJoe aka Sam also came over to visit Steve.


Best to try his GSF email address.



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