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A few pics of my Storm

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Finally got round to taking some pics. Not the best due to being taken on my phone, but they'll do until I get some proper ones!! The missus seems to think I'm sad for taking photos of the car, can't think why?!?!

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Not overly sure why it's sad to take pics of a car.....


Nice looking storm! The coloured grills ont he front make such a difference to them!


Ain't your badges on the back the wrong way around?? heh

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I tried to tell her that it's not sad to take pics, it just shows that I'm passionate about the car! I think I was on a losing streak no matter what I said though!! :lol:


The badges on the back are indeed the wrong way round! Some dosy dealership obviously had trouble with the instructions!! I toyed with the idea of putting them right, but as someone else mentioned, it makes it even more original!! I checked the authenticity with VW before I bought it as I had wondered about it too! They assure me that it's 100% genuine Storm!


Thanks for the comments. Still in the honeymoon period with the Raddo. I look forward to having to drive these days, I hope that feeling doesn't go away as it's awesome! All at a cost though, I've definitely felt the pinch already!! :lol:

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Looks nice! the CC'd grills on Storms look great but I don't think it works well on all colours... I take so many pics of my car my g/f's just got used to it now :lol:

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Looks great mate - wouldn't worry about the badges - easy to swap round anyway - makes more sense VR6 Storm. Good un! :thumb right:

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