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An experience I'm not keen to repeat.

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Got overtaken by my off-side rear wheel last night, leaving the Golf and I stranded on a busy road until the recovery truck turned up.

Ho hum...

Should all be fixed tomorrow, and a valuable lesson learned. Sometimes the Torque setting 'FT' is TFT... :D

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I would have sh*t myself!!


Have seen this happen to a couple of cars, luckily they were both travelling slowly at the time. Wouldnt have been nice at high speed.

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I remeber a similar story from my childhood. I was in our family car, and we were driving behind someone in something like an Escort van at about 60MPH when suddenly the rear driver side wheel of it just popped off the side - the van just dropped down and sparks started flying everywhere so we dropped back whilst he grinded his way across from the fast lane into the hard shoulder!


I bet the driver crapped his pants!

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Luckily I was only doing 30mph, or it could have been worse, and fortunately there was nothing coming the other way so the wheel bounced off the bridge parapet and came to rest on the pavement. Thank goodness for high bridge parapets, or I could have got into trouble at work; part of my job is to prevent road vehicle incursions onto the railway, not cause them :-)

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Our mate got overtaken by his cattle trailer wheel overtaking him where the bearings had failed. Luckily it was double axled and he had just unloaded and was heading home, managed to get from taunton to winchester on three wheels just fine.

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a mates mate, drove to work on 3 wheels as he was late one morning.


He got fired as it was his company car!

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Happened to me and a mate in a Mini once. The longer studs you get with wheel spacers had completely sheared off, and the wheel bounced down the road in front of us. We found it a bit of a laugh at the time, we were only 17!

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this almost happened to me on my maiden long voyage in J-DUB on the way to Inters a couple of years ago... Felt a bit of a wobble from the steering so pulled over to find that all 4 bolts were only just held in... :crazyeyes: jacked her up, tightened the bolts, dropped her back on her wheels again and continued on to Inters...


Bit scarey when you look back and think... hummm, just before that break in the journey we'd been sat at a nice 80->95mph and what would have happened if the wheel came loose at that kinda speed... :|

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My mate had a rather sheepish nipper knocking on his door one day asking for a bit of help. He was trying to win his Ex back by fitting some alloys to her mini, unfortunately the stud pattern was wrong, so he drilled 4 new holes! Not long after one had fallen off outside my mates house!!!

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What! That is a complete 'On the Buses' moment with Olive n the side car coming off the bike :lol:


I would have def needed new pants.


glad yr Ok mate.

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I did a great one a few years ago in my old mk1 golf. The bottom ball joint was knackered so I went to the local motor factor, bought a new one and fitted it - Lovely Jubbly, except the next day I was going around a roundabout when the bottom ball joint decided to part company from the bottom of the hub housing!! The car went all wibbily-wobbly, floor pan hit the road, the strut/wheel/driveshaft/brake came flying out of place only being held in by the strut top mount and brake hose!! Transpires I didnt tighten the pinch bolt enough! :oops:

The thing was before I got onto the roundabout I was doing 85 MPH on the section of bypass leading up to it, Oh how things could have been worse!!

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My mate had a rather sheepish nipper knocking on his door one day asking for a bit of help. He was trying to win his Ex back by fitting some alloys to her mini, unfortunately the stud pattern was wrong, so he drilled 4 new holes! Not long after one had fallen off outside my mates house!!!



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All sorted now, and awaiting its fate at the hands of tomorrow's MOT re-test.

1 new stub axle, 2 new bearings, 2 new drums and a large slice of humble pie :-)

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Felt a bit of a wobble from the steering so pulled over to find that all 4 bolts were only just held in...


Saying that reminded me i nearly had the same thing happen in my old 16v Rado a while back.

I'd had 4 new tyres fitted at Micheldever Tyres. After getting back (a 15mile journey including some motorway driving) i noticed the nearside front centre cap was missing. I thought it may have just fallen off, but it wasn't until i next drove the car that i heard the knocking and the penny dropped... They'd forgotten to torque up the bolts on that wheel, and my centre cap was probably still sat on their forecourt! Bit scary when you think back :shock:

I just put it down to a one off because they are normally very good...



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Felt a bit of a wobble from the steering so pulled over to find that all 4 bolts were only just held in...


Saying that reminded me i nearly had the same thing happen in my old 16v Rado a while back.

I'd had 4 new tyres fitted at Micheldever Tyres. After getting back (a 15mile journey including some motorway driving) i noticed the nearside front centre cap was missing. I thought it may have just fallen off, but it wasn't until i next drove the car that i heard the knocking and the penny dropped... They'd forgotten to torque up the bolts on that wheel, and my centre cap was probably still sat on their forecourt! Bit scary when you think back :shock:

I just put it down to a one off because they are normally very good...




I'm not so sure about Micheldever Tyres these days. they tried to stitch my mother up with an agricultural implement wheel last year, and I hear they're not so cheap any more.


Trouble is I need a bit of Laser alignment in the near future and don't know where else to go.

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I know it's only an old muddy 16v, but calling it a tractor is a bit harsh... :(


Haha! Gotta get my alignment done before the RR day, got a bit of racing slick action going on the inside of one of my wheels.

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