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inpro rear lights

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just read in another post about difficulty in lining up the rear lights,has anyone whos got them solved this problem,and has anyone sprayed the cheap looking chome look plastic on the lights as it makes them look cheap and nasty

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I think Kev got his to line up.


He drilled out the holes a bit to allow some movement. Just thinking about the silver bit, I could give you some 'matt black' vinyl to cover the chrome. I'd need the exact width of the chrome. The matt black would make the lights look original. come to think of it I could cut the stripes any colour if you wanted to customise them a bit.


The vinyl is good for 10yrs, & the beauty of it is that if you dont like it you can just peel it off :) If you take a look at http://corrado.atx-hosting.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=4032, you can see the matt vinyl on my lights.

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It was more than just elongating the fixing holes with my InPros...the lens back was actually fouling on the tailgate cut-out. I needed to heat the rear of the clusters until the plastic softened and then push-fit in place. Better, but still not 100%.


The chrome finish is total cr4p (has gone patchy with the black plastic breaking through) so I got my panel beater to colour code the housings when I was getting my respray...was a total b1tch since the paint kept on reacting and blistering!!!


Kinda makes you grudge paying £270 for the privelage of the hassle. :mad:

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