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Speed Limit Petition

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Hey folks, the UK gov't have recently set up a new web site for hosting e-petitions. The general idea is for members of the public to create online petitions on topics that bother them. Other folks then 'sign' the petition online and the results get sent to No 10 or which ever department is most appropriate.


While I don't think it'll make much difference, to be honest, some enterprising individual has created a petition to have the Motorway speed limits increased.


You can sign here if you agree.


And if you're less cynical than me, and think someone might actually listen, spread the word! 8)

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It would have been better if the original petition author had used correct grammar, rather than showing up petrol-heads as a bunch of semi-literate idiots ...

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Never know!.....they raised the motorway speed to 120kph (76mph) when converting to Kilometers in Ireland last year! :-P

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Don't think it'll make much difference, most people drive at 80/90 anyway, so if it was raised they would just drive at 90/100 instead


Actually no they wouldn't.


Evidence suggests that if the speed limit went up to 80, most people would carry on doing the same speed they do now, or maybe it would increase 2/3 mph - but no more.


Even if the limit went up to 90 the average speed would only increase by about 5-10mpg.

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