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Mmm, new shiny project :D

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Just had this arrive in the post today. Precision Power 500.1 sub amp, ready to power my Rainbow Amboss sub. Though it was about time I tried to put together a decent SQ car, as I have most of the bits now.


First thing though is to find somewhere I can mount this thing, without losing most of my boot. This is their smallest sub amp as well :shock: Think I will have to mount it with the end caps off....


By the way if anyone is interested I bought this from from F1 Sound Gallery for £120 :shock: (0121 541 1500, talk to Greg about this).....

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looks very 8)


I did have to sort my system out, thats down the list at the mo

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Oooh - that should give you a bit more balls to power that new sub. :norty:


As far as mounting goes, I'd go for either:


  • Bolt it to the back of the rear seat[/*:m:3caf8]
  • Audioscape sub rack (not sure if they do one to fit that sub, but can ask - also not cheap)[/*:m:3caf8]
  • Spare wheel well (but I think taking the spare wheel out greatly reduces your rear-impact protection)[/*:m:3caf8]

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Oooh - that should give you a bit more balls to power that new sub. :norty:


As far as mounting goes, I'd go for either:


  • Bolt it to the back of the rear seat[/*:m:68ae0]
  • Audioscape sub rack (not sure if they do one to fit that sub, but can ask - also not cheap)[/*:m:68ae0]
  • Spare wheel well (but I think taking the spare wheel out greatly reduces your rear-impact protection)[/*:m:68ae0]


Think it's going to be the back of the rear seat Dom. Typically though I have my Profile 4 on the back of the larger of the two seats at the moment. That's going to have to be moved to the smaller one, and this thing mounted in its place. Ordered a few more supplies to day (cabling, distribution block etc). Looking forward to this, think I might try and find a way to re-use my Focal 5WS's to give some mid bass as part of a three way system along with my front components. Time for thinking cap.....

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Mounted the new amp in the car today (in between the rain showers). Had to move my Profile 4 over to make space for it :shock:


Just waiting on the last of my wiring to turn up and then I can wire it in (looking forward to that).

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Finally hooked up my Precision power amp to the Rainbow Amboss sub today - must say sounds very good seeing as how the amp was only £120.


The Audioscape sub boxes are fantastic quality, and they have even started making grills for the 10" Rainbows, just to save muppets like me from putting things through the cones......

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