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the delta force

Sluggish and cutting out....

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I'm going mad trying to find out what the problem is....


Scenario: My 1990 16v Corrado starts perfectly in the morning after being left all night or even longer, even if I park up for a few minutes and then start it again it's fine.


However, if I leave the car for an approx 1-4 hours and then try and start it, it either takes a while to turn over or starts and cuts out straight away. I then have to really rev it after turning the ignition key in order for it to get going.....


I have no idea what the problem is so any help would be great...






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Could be injector leaking causing a loss of holding pressure in the lines which makes the fuel boil and vaporize and that causes an air lock in the lines.

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Still teaching myself on the in's and out's of the car, stupid question but I'm guessing this would be visible? I can't see any leaks.


Could be injector leaking causing a loss of holding pressure in the lines which makes the fuel boil and vaporize and that causes an air lock in the lines.

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