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side molding

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can anyone help or offer advice as my side molding on the passenger side door seems to be breaking down and really looks terrible. it almost looks yellow where all the black is flaking off. the rest of the side moldings are fine and come up lovley with a bit of autoglym bumper care slime so my question is thus, can i simply remove this molding and replace? if so how? as it seems very secure! or if this is not an option should i risk spraying it? dubious about this option as 99% chance something will go wrong! or is there some harry potter substance that i can put on it to make it look better?



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yup it is the bump strip but to be honest with you im terrified that once i tear it off it'll take paint with it or something!

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NAH!! you'll be fine!!! only heard of theat happening once! :lol:


use plenty of hot water to soften everythin up. and whip off, use some petrol and a credit card to get rid of the glue.

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okey dokey im going to do it!

but before i do !!!! i have slaped a bit of boot polish onto the strip and so far seems to look good. however i will follow warm water advice . cheers for that! :roll:

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i'm gonna get this done this week. I heard hot air guns are thing to use?


I got some alcohol (cleaner, not vodka) at work, Isopropyl Alcohol, to remove the glue, but I think that might take the paint off too :shock:


might give it a go after work tonight actually, seems to be sunny today.



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['H3R4POR]i'm gonna get this done this week. I heard hot air guns are thing to use?


I got some alcohol (cleaner, not vodka) at work, Isopropyl Alcohol, to remove the glue, but I think that might take the paint off too :shock:


might give it a go after work tonight actually, seems to be sunny today.




Isopropyl Alcohol should not dissolve standard car paints. It may dull the finish slightly, but this will polish off... :) 8)


(guess who uses IPA lots?!? :lol: )

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I used cellulose (sp?) thinners and the plastic spatular from my George Forman grill to remove the gunk on mine :lol: A quick polish with metallic T-cut and some wax, and it looked spot on :wink:


A good low-cost mod IMO 8)




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I'd love to do it. Only prob is that the other half isn't quite as careful as me opening the door. :(

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yo im gonna ataack this tomorrow night....what abt the roof strips can they come off in the same way coz mine are looking really nasty

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['H3R4POR]i'm gonna get this done this week. I heard hot air guns are thing to use?


I got some alcohol (cleaner, not vodka) at work, Isopropyl Alcohol, to remove the glue, but I think that might take the paint off too :shock:


might give it a go after work tonight actually, seems to be sunny today.




Isopropyl Alcohol should not dissolve standard car paints. It may dull the finish slightly, but this will polish off... :) 8)


(guess who uses IPA lots?!? :lol: )


I like that "should" in there, leaves me feeling very confident ;)


Didn't manage it the other week (it rained), so will do it this week, my weekends seem to be filled with drinking, so gonna have to be a night time mod 8)



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i have used Auto Glym Instant Tar Remover on a few sets of side strips of cars that i have had. works a treat

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before you go ripping them off, get a heat gun or hair dryer and try to revamp the surface. DONT get the heat gun to close to the paint though. the heat does something to the plastic apparently

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the heat does something to the plastic apparently


Yeah, the heat softens the plastic. heat gun will be too harsh tho. i tried using a hairdryer, but it takes ages. thatts why i used hot water, softens the plastic the glue and makes everything more supple.


I've also tried a "tar and bug" remover from Gunk i tihnk. it was just WD-40 and no use. out of the 2 cars i've done, i stil find petrol and a credit card is the best. IMHO

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