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Body shop problem

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Just been down to see my car which has just had a full respray. Im not happy as there are lots of imperfections for example they havent sorted the stone chips out on the leading edge of the roof and bonnet. lots of paint runs, and also can see where there used to be sticky marks from the sill protector

do i have the right to tell them to do it again properly? can i take them to small claims if they try to fob me off? what are my rights?

any help would be greatfull


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If youre not happy with the finished product id certainly let them know.


How much have thye charged you for it and have you already handed over the money??

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took it down for a quote, was told up to £1500 to have what i wanted doing. so agreed. not handed cash over yet, just waiting to see what i can say when it comes to picking it up

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Tell them its $hite!!

Paint Run's, imperfections, stone chips are they a bunch of trained monkeys ? Do they have a proper spray booth?

If you think its a bad job and your not a painter they WILL know its a bad job themselves.

DO NOT pay them anything until you are happy !



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Play it by ear then.


Give the car a good looking over before you hand anything over!!


If anyone you know is clued up on paintwork take them with you, 2 pairs of eyes will help!!

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also make sure the car is not wet when you go to pick it up, as you cant see any of the problems that are there

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Yeah - that sort of price is certainly not 'bargain basement' so I would expect a very good job for that. If they've missed stone chips and you've got paint runs, they they definately need to be told!


Good luck sorting it out!

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ok, well im supposed to pick it up in the new year so will talk to the guy then. They have done a good job otherwise, but im very picky.

so can i tell them to do it again if im not happy?

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if your not happy with the job and you are paying top dollar then i would say hold out until you get what your paying for, unless of course they have quoted you for a not so perfect job (which they mite say just to get out of doing the job again) but if you are as fussy as i am them stand your ground until they do it, but don't give them any money until its done otherwise you will be stuffed.


hope this helps a bit

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runs are ez to sort if and when your paining it , there idiots for not doing them before the lacor goes on.


best thing to do is stay calm and say its not a good job you want it fixed leave the car there, and take pic's of the run's

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Just whatever you do, do not hand over ANY money until you are happy.


If you feel that they are not up to sorting it then you can take your car away and not pay any money. They would have to chase you through the court for cash and if you can prove their work is substandard then they haven't got a chance of winning. They are not aloud by law to withhold your car inlue of payment.


I had this a few years back with my car when having my custom intercooler work done. (many will remember) I took my car to a "performance specialist" to have a custom intercoller setup done. 8 weeks later tehy had still not completed teh work, I had serious reservations about the quality of the work and decided enough was enough. I went to remove my car, took a recovery wagon as my car was in pieces. When I informed the garage owner, he dropped his shutters in the garage and locked my car in refusing to give it back until payment was made. I managed to stay inside with my car. I then called the police and they came out. They made the garage owner release my car and hand over ALL parts even those I hadnt paid for yet. Once the car and all parts were on teh recovery wagon the policeman informed me that I was within my rights not to pay anything and that the owner could do nothing except lodge a claim with the courts which he was unlikely to win!!!!!! Admittedly I didnt want to stoop to his level and agreed I would pay for the parts that he ordered only!


Basically the moral is - DON'T PAY unless you are 100% happy with the work!!!

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Don't accept it. Regardless of the cost a good body shop wont have imperfections and a price of £1500 should get you a very good job. When i had my car sprayed i went round it with a fine tooth comb and the painter was happy for me to do it. He was very proud of his work and i must say i didn;t find a single probem. He even showed me some of the tricky area's.


My car had lots of stone chips, a dent in the rear arch, couple of big dings in the door. All done properly.


If they are proffesional then they should get it right, its their job.


So don;t pay them, did you get a chance to look at any of their other work, what was that like? Use it as a comparison.


hope you get it sorted



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Wow didnt know i had the right to take the car away if I was really pi55ed of with the job, hopefully wont have to take it that far.


I did see some work they had done before but think my car as the first full respray they carried out, I thought I would give them a shot be local guys and said that I'd promote them if things turned out as I wanted


Didnt realise that runs should be sorted before laquer is applied, its so obvious now i think of it, good job Im no painter ;)


There was alot done on my car to be fair to them, had washer jets/indicators/rear wiper holes blanked, loads of dents sorted, and a big arch repare (rear NS arch completly replaced due to major rust). how much would this normally cost? because if he said he done it cheap for me then i can at least say err no you never or thanks


I was getting worried when first had the car in the shop as a week inot the jobi had a call saying that they broke the rear glass, I had to source a replacement. then I was asked to source the rear arch. I did this thinking id be able to find better parts

I even left the car with them for ages thinking they would do a better job. think its been over three months now.

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Wow didnt know i had the right to take the car away if I was really pi55ed of with the job, hopefully wont have to take it that far.


I did see some work they had done before but think my car as the first full respray they carried out, I thought I would give them a shot be local guys and said that I'd promote them if things turned out as I wanted


Didnt realise that runs should be sorted before laquer is applied, its so obvious now i think of it, good job Im no painter ;)


There was alot done on my car to be fair to them, had washer jets/indicators/rear wiper holes blanked, loads of dents sorted, and a big arch repare (rear NS arch completly replaced due to major rust). how much would this normally cost? because if he said he done it cheap for me then i can at least say err no you never or thanks


I was getting worried when first had the car in the shop as a week inot the jobi had a call saying that they broke the rear glass, I had to source a replacement. then I was asked to source the rear arch. I did this thinking id be able to find better parts

I even left the car with them for ages thinking they would do a better job. think its been over three months now.


that arch welded in 50 tops 25 for the weld and 25 for making it smooth, yeah you can wait for the run to dry, then rub it out then laqer it, to be fair you can still get em fixed just will take longer cus you have to re laqur the area.



3 months seams a long time sounds like you had the 17yo YTS working on it

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tell them the paintwork looked better before they started.........£1500 for a shady paint job, i wouldn't pay them nothing until they sorted it out to the standard you expected.

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Put my weight behind not accepting the finish if its not 100% how you want it. £1500 is a lot of money. It will be more difficult if you pay them and then want a refund/them to do it properly.


Let us know how you get on.

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just to clarify the whole job, I originally took my car into my local body shop place and asked for a quote to have a full respray, and have the following things done too.


rear wiper hole removed

badge holes removed

rear seams filled

bumper tow hook hole removed

indicator holes removed

rear arch repair (bubling under paint)

front arch repair (dent)

rear side laquar peeling repair


rear arch wich was bubbling, turned out to be a complete arch repair using a replacement arch (ie welding etc)


I removed all the trim (bumpers, lights, number plates, roof runners, door rubbers, sill protector, indicators, aerial etc) and suplied the replacement arch


So what I need to know is how much the above job should cost. and how good the job should be?


How good should the job be for £1500 should it be spot on, or am i to expect imperfections??


Also due to the unforseen problem with the rear arch (replacement part) he is now charging between £200 and £300 for that, is that fair?


he has told me hes spent 40 hours on it in total.


If you have had a respray or work for a resprayer could you tell me how much you payed/charged what you got/did for that amount and if possible contact details of the bodyshop.



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Deluk, £50 for a full rear arch repair? do you work for a body shop? because like i said my bodyshop is tryin to charge me £200-300 for that work, so a proffesional quote would give me a good argument

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the runs are easily flattened out when they mop it but if its been lacquered then they cant.

as above, stay calm and polite,and just mention the bits your unhappy with and they might be like "o, we are ever so sorry,we will sort it".

i work in a shop,and when people are rude to me,they get fcuk all help :fist:

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Deluk Wrote


runs are ez to sort if and when your paining it , there idiots for not doing them before the lacor goes on


Its impossible to get runs in the base coat (colour part of a metallic that goes on before the clear coat) unless there is major problem with either the paint or the painter !!

The runs are in the clear coat & yes they can be rectified if they are minor and on a flat surface, but you really need to be questioning how good the guys skills & facilities are if he is getting runs in a paint job !!


I'd say the price of £1500 sounds about right for the job you have had done, the rear arch is a decent sized job, it will take at least 5 hours to do a good job welding that in, his £400 seems a little optimistic but i'd say you would quite easily pay between 150-250 quid labour for someone to weld an arch in without painting it the £50 someone said is a touch cheap, i'd doubt you will find any half decent bodyshop who would cut the old arch out for that sort of money never mind refit a new one ! on your picture showing the arch, i very much doubt he will of welded that much of the arch in mate, he will of kept the repair as small as possible, however make sure he has sealed the inside otherwise it will rot again really quickly.

At the end of the day, you cannot expect your car to be any better than the best job you have seen him complete so if your car is below that standard tell him and dont pay him until it is !!

I paint motorcycles for a living and i see some horrific jobs everyday, some people shouldnt be allowed to pick up a paint gun, hope fully your guy isnt one of these monkeys and you will get sorted in the end !!

Any more questions, just ask.



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yes jimmi in the laqur its even worse for runs( but easy to sort once its dry, maybe the sprayer was rushed put too much on at once?


yeah i got an old mk2 cav done for 50 quid :D not quite the fix maybe your looking at

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the main problem i have is that i think it will never be as good as i want it. just need someone to see it and give me their unbiased opinion on the price. how can i do that?

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