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Another ABS question....

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Just a quick one I hope - will the ABS light come on if there is a fault with the fluid level sensor? I un-screwed the cap yesterday to look at the fluid. When I went to drive off the light stayed on, I stopped turned the ignition off and on and the light went out and stated off untill I used the car again now its permenatly on when using the car.


I have done a search, and have read about the other sensors which I will check, but I couldnt see any mention of the level sensor - that would usually put the brake warning light on wouldnt it? Just seems odd it started after I disturbed that cap/sensor.


Thanks in advance.



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Oh and just to add VAG-COM wont talk with my ABS-ECU its tries for a while then comes up with an error message along the lines of too many communication errors.



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Oh and just to add VAG-COM wont talk with my ABS-ECU its tries for a while then comes up with an error message along the lines of too many communication errors.



I had the same 'Too many Communication errors' message as well. I turned down the COM port settings on the laptop. Go to Hardware - Device manager - Ports (COM&LPT) and Properties of Communication port (USB) usually Com4 and in the advanced settings turn down the 'Latency timer' to 5 - it worked for me. That was using V409.1 of VAGCOM

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Right just plugged my car into VAG com, two errors as follows; (however when the faults were cleared and re scanned for only the supply fault was still showing, the wheel sensor didnt come back)


Sunday, 21 January 2007, 18:01:09

VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-US


Control Module Part Number: 1H0 907 379 E

Component and/or Version: ABS/EDS TEVES 04

Software Coding:

Work Shop Code:

2 Faults Found:

00532 - Supply Voltage B+

35-00 - -

00285 - ABS Wheel Speed Sensor: Front Right (G45)

35-00 - -


Any ideas, couldnt seem to get any measuring block readings.



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The Voltage B+ is one of the relays behind the glove box u/s. Can't remember which one it is. Fairly cheap from dealers.

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