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Jim Bowen

While looking at some corrado pics

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saw this same thing on a mk2 at no rice once.


that rear half looks more mint hen my whole car lol

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..i noticed a lot of em have the indicators in the front bumpers instead of wing, is that standard in US? Anyone over here done it to theirs?


All US cars were fitted with these kind of bumpers as far as I'm aware.I've come round to them and am thinking of getting a US bumper for my C.Would this be difficult to do? I think they give the car a more modern feel(as opposed to euro-style),but still retro at the same time.

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So wait.....You guys want the side markers on the bumper or turn signals as we call them here.? Sorry I'm not getting some of the terms given. I have a G60 spare bumper U.S. spec I would let you have for a pretty cheap price actually, but shipping would kill you I'm sure....All U.S. spec bumpers have those sidemarker lights. If I am going way off topic please let me know, I feel confused lol.


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So wait.....You guys want the side markers on the bumper or turn signals as we call them here.? Sorry I'm not getting some of the terms given. I have a G60 spare bumper U.S. spec I would let you have for a pretty cheap price actually, but shipping would kill you I'm sure....All U.S. spec bumpers have those sidemarker lights. If I am going way off topic please let me know, I feel confused lol.




Turn signals = Side Repeaters


USA spec Corrados all had side repeaters on the front bumper, whereas over here, the side repeaters are on the front wings.

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They're not indicators / repeaters in the front bumper on US spec cars - they're running lights. They are just lit all the time when the lights are switched on. Eric's US Spec G60 has them.. makes his car easy to spot when he's following you at night though!


I don't think its a legal requirement for US cars to have side repeaters at all so.. they don't have em!

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As Jim said, on US Corrados, the indicators sit in the usual place of the front bumper (and those are the only indies you'll get at the front on a US Corrado, no side repeaters) with side markers (constantly on when headlights are on) attached to the side of the front bumper in front of the wheels.



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