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Quarter mile advice...

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Going to Run what you brung this sunday at Pod, and as its the first time taking the G60 on a quarter mile i was wondering what others have found is the best way to use the less than suitable gearbox ratios. Is it best to rev 1st to the point where it dies (4500) then get out of it as quick as possible , or just redline it? Any opinions welcome... :)

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i think alot of people atually start in second, the length of time it takes to change gear removes the benefit, i may be wrong tho'

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I'd of thought you'd need to redline it all the way. Just try & squeeze the throttle as much as possible without getting the dreadded wheel spin.


P.S. Did a Corrado blow your golf then? :lol:

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A few key pointers are to remove everything possible from your car (seats, spare wheel, sub box if you have one etc), make sure you only have a small amount of petrol in the tank (again for weight saving), drop the tyre pressures right down (gives you a bigger tyre footprint to get you off the line without too much drama), and makes sure you have all the windows and roof closed for aerodynamics. Another helpful thing would be to unplug the rear spoiler to it doesn't add drag when you build up a bit of speed. This all sounds a bit extreme and pedantic I know but every little bit helps and that what drag racing is all about. Some people also lose their o/s headlamp to improve airflow into the engine.


It terms of technique I have found that the best times are usually posted with a decent bit of wheel spin off the line. It seems to keep the engine on boil nicely even though it looks a bit messy. Experimentation is pobably the key. Try to do a few runs and vary the starting technique each time.

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the G60 dooesnt make power up top so you are wasting your time. whenthe torque drops off change gear.


its not the ideal q mile car though is it.


a mk1 G60 on a vr 1st n second would be nice.

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You have three starting lights the first one stays on for a couple of seconds,

preety much straight away after it changes from the first set to the second to the he third one comes on and it GO- Nail it !


The G60 isnt all bad on the quarter mile- i managed 14.9 second on my second attempt - with a 0.4 reaction time which was better than alot of cars in the same sort of league and above- i beat to stock scoobies and a 20 valve turbo Mk3 that had been Mag featured and my mates blck FTO. My grin lasted for about two weeks after- my Avatar picture is of my motor up at Satapod with the filter poking out. :D

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My strategy is I let my tyres down to 20psi for better road grip then I do a burnout to get the tyres nice and warm, usually I will get staged first as the lights go pretty much straight away after the second car has got staged which can catch you off guard. When the green light comes on below the 2 staging lights I know thats the time to bring up the revs, when the lights do go green then it's foot flat to the floor until 5k then between 5-6k in second and so on my best time down the strip was 14.7 with a reaction of .4 a couple of weeks ago I could have gone quicker I reckon but only managed to get 3 runs in because of all the drag cars which were leaving oil slicks on the track ( wan@ers :( ) still it's something that takes practice and you do get better each time you go there as you get the nak of it after a while :D

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