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Hi all,


Got a problem with the charging circuit.


Engine stopped - 12.2V & the battery terminals.

Engine running - 13.5V @ the alternator

Engine running with full load (lights, fan, heated windows etc) - 12.2V @ the alternator


Just changed the alternator & regulator for a 2nd hand one, no change.


Battery's been swapped so it's not that...


Any Suggestions?




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the voltages look fine to me is the battery dieing? if so youve got a load somewhere you need to hook up an ameter in series with the battery wires

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With full load at idle it will suck the battery dry,whats the voltage like with revs on under load?

I uprated my wiring from the alternator and earth leads as the stock leads are crap under load.

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What's the ampage output of the alternator?

Full headlight beams, plus internal heating electrics (seat and rear window) and engine fans altogether will use around 60 amps on their own. Plus you need spark for the engine ...

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