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Gears - jumps out of 1st & 3rd

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Hi all - yet another problem. I'm having trouble with my gears. I've had a search and can't seem to find my exact problem. Sometimes, when I go to pull away in 1st, I lift the clutch, but it's not in gear. If you push the gear stick forward and lift the clutch at the saem time you get a lovely grindy cogs not meshing type noise - a bit like your granny changing gears!! If I put it into second, and then reslect first it seems to pull ok. This morning, whilst doing a hill start, the gear jumped out of first as soon as the clutch came up. I was also having trouble selecting third as well. I've looked at the gear linkage under the gaitor, and my circlip is intact. Any other clues? Thanks in advance. Timmaaah

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The gear selection is by two cables. Check that the cable ends are ok in the engine compartment. Is the weight thingybob there .


If it is a hydraulic clutch then bleed the clutch slave and naster cylinders.

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Right - I've had a poke about near the gearbox, and have found the linkages. The one pictured is flapping about like a turd in a top hat - it looks like there should be a metal ring around a rubber bit, and also there is a metal peg that seems to locate into a hole, but it's really loose and comes out. Is this linkage shafted, or is it repaireable - also, does it remove for ease of repairing? Cheers in advance - Timmaaah

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The weight thingybob looks to be held down OK. Cant see the cable ends

Anyway, get somebody to go through the gears with the engine off, while you look down at the linkages.

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Right - had a closer look in the daylight with a mate. The weight was ok but there is a rubber oblong underneath around which goes a metal clasp/oblong clip that is on the end of the gear selector cable, and the rubber had come adrift from the metal band. After removing the weight and much prodding and cursing, we managed to get the rubber back into the metal clip and also the locating peg into the correct hole. Put the weight back on and now seems to be ok (touch wood). Will see how it goes after a couple of days and keep an eye on it. Cheers mattkh for your info :salute:

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