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Corrados and planes

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Well seeing as this is RIP Concorde day just thought i'd see if there are many aerosexual Corrado drivers out there like myself.

Expensive interests!!!!

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saw a Concorde fly over the Island yesterday.


made me feel good (dunno why!)


he wasnt hangin about, bit like me in my C :twisted:

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not really much relevance


but hey thats me


iv got a pic (old pic, not digital) of me standing underneath concord, inside is cool too!


dad used to work for BAA, nearly got a complementart ticket to london and back but some other ba****d (only kiddin) in the airport got the last one :(


watched it take off too, impressive stuff

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I flew over Concord last week on my way back from Tenerife... Was quite weird having the pilot tell you you were 10000 feet above concord! :shock: :lol:

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I flew over Concord last week on my way back from Tenerife... Was quite weird having the pilot tell you you were 10000 feet above concord! :shock: :lol:


Quite! Bizzare hearing that!!

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I was extremely lucky to be sent to NY a few years ago by my employer, due to the urgency they sent me on Concorde. Realistically - it was cramped and if it was not for the food & service(and that major thrust on take off) you'd have thought you were on a charter flight to the Med! But it did feel special, don't know why! Mach 2, only knew abour it because the pilot told us and the digital display told us! You did not really appriciate it until coming back on a 747 which took hours and hours and hours to get home. All in all it was the best £1500 dinner I've ever had!

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I sell Industrial computers and rack mount servers for the internet. This particular customer buys "shoebox" systems on a 486CPU, very expensive and actually very simple machines. I had to take and install a new CPU card. The customer paid for the onsite visit, about $3000.00 US I believe. But it was no holiday, believe me! Out there on the Monday morning and back on the red eye that night. I was completely f****d!


My www. addy is a link to our website. Hey Andi, need any new servers? I'll do you a deal!

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Thought 146joc would reply to that one, your user name gives it away.

You'll have to change it when the 146's go soon!


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I have a Corrado, I'm a pilot, and I have to say flying beats working! :D


Ahhhh! so the 146 as in the quiet plane, suitable for City airports & short runways. It has a faster than normal approach speed & no reverse thrust yet stops very quickly due to its unique wing flaps. And there was me thinking your other car was an Alpha... :lol:

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o love the concorde don't know why but ever since i was a kid always wanted to have a go but not to be r.i.p concorde and roll on the replacement cos you know the americans will try !!!

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I have a Corrado, I'm a pilot, and I have to say flying beats working! :D


Ahhhh! so the 146 as in the quiet plane, suitable for City airports & short runways. It has a faster than normal approach speed & no reverse thrust yet stops very quickly due to its unique wing flaps. And there was me thinking your other car was an Alpha... :lol:



me too :oops: :oops:

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Ah Cipo, I envy you(Sleazy may be?), but as you say the 146's will be gone soon. Hopefully 737/320 joc soon :lol: .


And Dan as they are sometimes called 1 in 4 sick :oops: !

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