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Accident last night. Ongoing advice needed on claim.

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I have started this topic to get some advice on this claim. I had an accident last night in morden, a motorbike drove head on into my car at high speed.


He was driving on the wrong side of the road round a blind bend, and smashed into the front pass side of the car and he went head first into the windscreen.


Im still in shock, but thankfully the rider is ok! We sat at the side of the road, had a cigarette (he forgot to give my lighter back!) until the police arrived.


Fortunately, i was not driving the corrado, i was in a Fiat punto! It is most certainly a write off, the repairers are going to pick it up tmro, i want to get a good price on the car, and I hope that forum members will be able to give me some good advice on this situation.


I am not making any form of compensation claim, i am just thankful that the rider and myself are okay!

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Did you get the Pizza from the back of the bike? :lol:


Sorry to hear of your scare, but on the bright side if you were in the Rado he'd have probably come off worse than he did against the tissue-paper Fiat!

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sounds real scary, something i always wondered about cyclists, why the feel the need to fly round corners and LEAN onto the other side of the road??!! just so their head is level with my headlights ?? glad both of you are ok.

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Sounds like there's nothing really to get advice on. He was on the wrong side of the road going round a blind bend, nothing you could do about it. Just be sure to go into as much detail as possible when writing the claim and don't take a crappy amount of cash from the insurers! Have a look on http://www.parkers.co.uk for the sort of money you should be getting.

I don't think there is any way that he could claim against you, injury or damage to his bike, so you're OK.

Did you get witnesses, or was the police statement comprehensive enough?


EDIT: 3corsameal, he doesn't look nearly garish enough to be riding a bike!

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I know i probably shouldn't have been looking, but where's his Linford lunchbox? Not even a hint of a sausage roll.

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The car is a total loss, ive been offered £1000 for it, which matches up with the independent dealer price in the parkers guide, so i guess this matter is closed.



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