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Looks like my daily drive to work... :x


Bloody local authorities seem to be doing nothing about them. Where the hell does our road tax go? (No need to answer that, I know it's squandered on less important stuff :lol:)


It's really dangerous though, imagine if a cyclist/motorcyclist rode into one of those. And I find myself avoiding potholes so much, I often end up having to veer across the white road markings.. :roll:

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I'm amazed there aren't any pictures from round my end, some of the ones round here are ridiculous. I'm starting to wonder whether I should just stick some cheap steelys on the left side of my car to save worrys :(


I once came off my old moped by hitting a pot hole at 30. Luckily I landed in a nice soft hedge :lol: Still, I complained to the council and they actually resurfaced the road!!! Can't argue with that really, though it's got bad again now, obviously wasn't done too well in the first place :roll:

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yeah i hit a "pothole" round my end, although it was more unfinished work rather then a pot hole. Damaged an alloy, claimed from council (which took 6 months for me to receive the cheque). They ended up resurfacing the road, NOW its probably one of the smoothest and most pleasuable to drive on bits of road in leeds. HA!

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It seems everybody has to put up with bad road conditions which is not right considering the amount of extra revenue drivers generate for the government. We're really paying a lot of money for a bad service. Something has to be done about it.

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Just found some epetitions on the subject






I'm sure the government will pay as much attention to these as to the 1.5 million votes about the pay as you go scheme!


I think you need to take photos of the pothole and send it to the local council to sort. If they fix the potholes (presumably using your council tax) where does road tax go?

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The pay as you go epetition created a lot of media attention. They don't take much effort from us to sign and if you can create any sort of media attention on the subject in an election year then that's a good thing. Even if we don't gain better roads there is nothing to lose apart from the minute to sign it. If you have a lot of time on your hands you could lobby MPs and councillors, write to press, start a name and shame internet campaign or whatever but if everybody were to moan to their mates in the pub and on forums nothing would be done about it. I personally don't have the time to do any of that, but I would support anybody who did and I am willing to support those that have took the time to create a petition on the matter.

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Potholes and bad filling in by tin-pot electric, water, companies and their dodgy sub-contractors!


And then when they do re-surface, the signs say - 'Beware of Ramp'. As far as I know a ramp is a slight gradient, not a big f-ing drop because they can't be arsed to do it right while ripping the road up.


Think this is a conspiracy with ATS/Kwik-fit/etc to keep them in business.

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I don't know about a conspiracy, just general incompetence. Nobody checks the work they do. Surely it would be simply enough for a council employee to have a look at the repair and make them do it again until it meets the required standard. It would save councils paying compensation to motorists too. I'm convinced I have a slow puncture on a 1 month old tyre because of the potholes on the way to my work. :mad:

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