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Car has developed bump steer :?

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Drove over one of those horrid metal speed bump things in a carpark the other day, with 3 passengers in the car. As we went over there was a loud ping/bump sound from the front nearside wheel area. I initially though maybe the tyre had gone. Immediately after, I noticed the steering was a little wobbly, and the car bump steers and is occasionally vague.


Any ideas? Something has definately happened as the car felt so sure footed before, and the effect was immediate :(

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Yeh, reckon you're right. It's going for a service in a couple of weeks, so I'll get them to look at it then.

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You might have damaged the tyre - I did something similar in a pothole and the steering kind of wobbled at low speed. Turned out the tyre had a trashed sidewall, but with no visible damage from the outside. Something else to tick off anyway.

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Thanks guys- wouldn't be surprised if it was either of these. Will get under the car tomorrow night ;)

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Bojmobile, haven't had any time to look. It's still driving the same. Will try and get under the car tomorrow night!

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It's not terrible, but not great at the same time. Defo worse over bumps, and the steering wheel gets dragged around more, and visibly shakes when I let it go. Before, the steering was really smooth with no shakes at all.

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Mine was like that - went on a really dodgy fast country road - was a mega handful over the old bumpy sections but ok on new tarmacked stuff.

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Had a quick look tonight, and the drop links look fine. The tyre looks OK too :? I'll wait and see what the garage come up with. Hope I don't end up having to change lots of stuff to get to the bottom of it :(

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Camber/tracking knocked out of line? Would explain a deterioration of handling, with nothing falling off. A sudden slip due to a speed hump could have made quite a bang.



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Reckon it could be the camber/tracking. The tyre pressures were getting low, so pumped them up to day, and it feels better, but still not quite right. I'll see what the garage say, then maybe get the wheels aligned.

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