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Custum engine bling

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cheers, the battery caused a bit of a debate as to weather it should be fused from the starter back as theres a fair bit of juice running the length of the car and if it should earth the world wounld end and the car would burst into flames - so in answer to your question the black box is an off the shelf phoenex gold fused distribution box rated upto 300 watss with the monster fuses and diagnostics. The box cost £149 new. Had to fit the higher capacity fused distributer as apparently anything under 300 watts keeps blowing when you turn the engine over, that and it looked flash and has leds.

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Very nice, i would be more interested though to find out if that level indicator tube will hold up under the pressure.


Other than that looks very clean

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thanks, i think the level indicator will be fine, the guy who made them up has been making these for years for other cars in the same style and had no problems, the trick is getting the levels right so that it doesent overheat from being to low or boil over from being to high!

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finally got the washer bottle in and the other 2 tanks are featured in PVW this month - always said id get the car in the magazine now i have a part of it in the magazine as they are the actual bottles that are in my car featured in the mag!

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Its an absolute waste of money but I do love a pimped out engine bay. Yours looks wicked, I bet your using any excuse to open the bonnet now aren't ya.

You just can't beat good old fashioned lumps of metal with all the bits hanging off them...Can't stand the whole plastic engine cover thing that every car on the planet seems to come with these days.

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nice one for that ill give him a ring as his web site is not working at the mo, but he is only based about 30min drive from me which is good.

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hi dubstar i have just spoke to Carrera custom design house and unfortunately the person who made these no longer works for them so im going to have to try hunt down someone else now but thanks any way. i dont suppose you want to sell yours?

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