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Matty Newquay

Funny noise! Suspension!

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Ok i got replacement front suspension mounts and they were so much smaller than the original ones!

I used the bearing out of the old mounts and put then in the new ones!

So basically i have put the top of the coilover onto the new mount used jack to push the piston up and put the silly little nut that clamps the bearing in place then the big metal plate then the top nut!

But when i turn the wheels when parking i can hear the springs twanging!

Have i missed something?? Should there be something else?

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"Twanging" means the top mount isn't turning smoothly on it's bearing.

You didn't do it right!


+++ redo from start. Out of cheese error. +++



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Erm - should always use new bearings as these are the bits that fail...


Looks like you are trying to replace the mk2 ones for mk3 / VR6?? If so you will need the top plate and threaded bush

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Cheers people!

Took the mounts back to the shop today and said they didnt fit so well and showed them the old one!

They gave me 2 new mounts with the bearings and all! For the ones they gave me orignally even thought they looked used !!!


Now sorted it drives so much better iwith coilovers! A tad bumpy but sticks to the rd so well!

Also running 10mm spacers!

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