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288mm Brake Spares

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I got some used 288mm calipers/carriers last year, however I've only just looked at them. Whilst they're generally quite tidy I have 2 problems.

Firstly there is a split in one of the piston rubbers, can I get/fit another one, if so where from etc.


Secondly one of the slider pins is missing, I see these only screw in, are they available seperately? Has anyone got one by any chance.

Needless to say the seller will be getting a PM....(not this forum)!


Thanks in advance.

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I think id be tempted to give them back to the seller and ask for a refund...


Although i dont know the details im sure youll be able to get the bits you need..

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Trouble is that it was a year ago, I think its probably our friends at the delivery company who have damaged them. I should have had a proper check on arrival....

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The rubberseals are less than a £10er from VAG but the slider may be more difficult to locate as there come with the carriers IIRC... maybe try a brake specialist...

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Can someone confirm how many slider pins you get on 288mm brake setups, the type I have in front of me have 2 per carrier (or should have!) I've just spoken to VW and they think there should only be one per side. Anyone got a picture of the usual 288mm setup, ie carrier and/or carrier?

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Dumb question i know but what is a slider pin ??

Probably not the official name, but its the pins that screw into the carrier that the caliper slides on (when brakes applied and as the pads wear).

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