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Bringing Back A Valver From The Brink

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Good luck for tomorrow.I am sure with the weight of everyone on the forum wishing it to run it will. :thumb right:

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Cool, it's nice to know I have the collective forum consciousness on my side! :D Just looking though, 907 views. It's gonna be quite embarrassing if I blow it up.... :oops:. I don't want to be too melodramatic about it but I hope by the end of today I'm not posting in the parts for sale section. :lol:

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Isn't life really strange sometimes. The car didn't start by the way. Think the valve timing is off somehow. I thought I'd been pretty meticulous with it but obviously not meticulous enough. Was sitting in the car with my head in my hands pretty much thinking "dear god have I just done the valves in" when this guy pulls up outside my house in an immac mk2 GTI. And I mean immaculate! Said he'd seen the car in our advert for the house (which is on the market) along with my G60 and thought that two corrados outside one house probably meant one was for sale. Wants to know what sort of state it's in. Told him I'd probably just written the engine off, I'm still reeling from making such an idiotic mistake but he still seemed interested in the car. I went through all the other stuff that needed seeing to and I just thought to myself, even if I get it running I've then got the hassle of sorting all this cr@p out, it needs an MOT for fook sake. And he still wanted to know what I wanted for the car. Said I'd only picked it up for 360 notes and that I had really spent more time on it than money so it doesn't really owe me very much. Said he could offer me a couple of hundred for it. Turned him down. Then he said about the intergrals I had stacked up, I showed him the cracked one and said he could take em they're fooked. So he's coming back at about six to pick those up with his van and said we'd discuss the car as well.


Now, I may potentially fook up cam belts but I'm no idiot. Blatantly this guy is in the trade. He was getting phone call after phone call while he was with me. Someone obviously asking him what state the car is in. The thing is, this would be a very easy way for me to off load this car. I do need it gone because the house is for sale. I also know that he is gonna offer me peanuts for the car and if I accept he's gonna turn up with a mate who is going to wave a spanner at it and get it started. I'm gonna get more for this car as parts. But, I'm gonna get more hassle that way as well and be left with a shell I need to get rid of. He was trying so hard to persuade me not to break the car, bless him.


My question is what the fook am I going to do?

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:( Have you tried gettin it goin since?Could be something really simple.Anyone on here live near you who could help?Duz it not even try and start?

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It doesn't want to know. I don't think I have damaged anything as it is turning over but I think the timing is ever so slightly out. I'm just considering my next move. Not sure if I need to take the cylinder head off again to adjust the timing cos I don't want to risk valve contact. Does anyone have any tips for doing it without having to start all over again? That bloke is due to come and pick those manky old wheels up any minute now.

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Gor it running!!!! :D :D :D Can't believe it! Luckily the crankshaft was slightly behind the camshaft (as opposed to the other way round) so I just went for it and it worked. Um, I've also kind of sold it to that bloke. Not really what I was saying a few posts up I know but I think I'm gonna get something a bit cheaper to insure for a run around, been looking at a 316 or something. Decided BMWs, although not really my style, represent the best value for money in my price range at the moment. Plus I'd still have to sort an MOT and tax and stuff for the valver. Plus G60 is almost at meltdown point. Didn't even get to the end of my road and the temp light started flashing at me. Great. I'd quite like the novelty of something reliable for a while. :?

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:D Great or maybe not :? Cant believe your gonna sell it now.All that work for someone else to reap the rewards.Tried thermostat on G60?Cheap fix if thats all it is.

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Well, it still needs a lot of work. It has been an awesome learning curve. It's the first time I've done a head gasket on such a big engine. I've only ever done one before and that was on a 1.3 mk2. At least if I sell now I'm just about gonna break even on it before it turns into one of those projects that just goes on and on. Plus it's time I got on with the G60, I need as much money as I can for that at the moment. The G60 has got to be my main focus now. I've neglected things on it because of the black one that I need to sort out. It's obviously trying to draw those to my attention. :D Hence sell the valver, get something that hopefully won't need anything doing to it, he says, that is cheaper to insure, and get the G60 wicked for next summer. It probably is the thermo but I reckon that's gonna be the least of my worries....

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Point taken about projects going on and on.Did a mk1 golf few years back spent min of 3k doing it then just lost interest when it got to the little bits and pieces left. Sat in garage 18mths then sold it for giveaway price.If you start have to be 100% commited or its just lost money.Went to a good home though,hopefully your 16v will do the same.Looking forward to new thread"Bringing back G60 from the brink" :) :)

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