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Saint Tricky

G60 coolant leak

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Had my G60 up today to try and find the coolant leak. It looks like it's coming from the water pump iteself, probably the gasket between the pump and the housing. It's difficult to see when antifreeze is dripping in your eye. :(

I'm gonna have a bash myself. Seeing as they are quite cheap is it a good idea to do the pump at the same time?

I might as well do the stat and housing as well (not 100% sure it works perfectly)

Will also change the black pressure cap for a blue one and change the expansion tank for a new one so I can see the level easily.

Can you think of anything else I should change when I'm down there?

Should I get all the bits from VAG or is it okay to get it all from GSF/AVS?

Finally, how much G12+ should I buy?



P.S. Any advice on doing this would be greatly appreciated. I like to do stuff myself but find it difficult when doing new repairs for the first time.

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Hi - buy a genuine pump (same money and much better qualtiy than GSF /AVS parts - VAG ones hold the seal!) but bare in mind you need to return the old one within 2 weeks or you'll loose the surcharge...


You need 2 bottles of G12+ and use 2.5 ltres for the fill leaving the extra half ltr topped up with water for top ups.


As well as the stat and housing I would also change the plastic housings on the cyl head along with the senders and the elbow on the rad (Again use VAG parts as the Febi ones are sh1te - especially on a G60)


Also buy any clips and bolts which look dodgy


I take it you know the charger and bracketry need to come off to get to the pump which make it an arse of a job!

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Thanks for the reply supercharged.

I've recently done the temp senders and rad elbow (another leak).

I didn't realise the charger needs to be removed? I could see that there was a bracket in the way (power steering I think), just thought it was a case of moving that and removing the pump out through the bottom.

Starting to think it's falling into one of those "wish I hadn't started it jobs".

Food for thought.



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Yeah you can do the stat and housing but not the whole pump without removing the G


(you may be able to just change the impeller part tho but it's more expensive that the whole unit and not worth it IMO...)


Good time to get charger rebuilt maybe?? I did my pump down at G-werks

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Good time to get charger rebuilt maybe??

Money's tight at the moment so that will have to be later in the year.

I might try and get some quotes on doing the cam belt at the same time though. That's due to be done soon.

Any ideas on a ballpark figure to change the timing belts and water pump etc?

I bet the Phirm are up to their armpits in work too.


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Depending if everthing comes off ok or not i'd say around 4 hours + £100 worth of parts...


Worth getting it down to G-werks really as Darren will be quicker that anyone on these engines plus he will check the charger out while it's off (just in case)

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Hi Supercharged

Just got off of the phone to Darren, sounds a really decent bloke.

Anyway, car's booked in to have the cam belt done and water pump etc.

Thanks very much for your help. Even though I'm now not doing it myself I feel I've learnt something and increased my knowledge about my car.



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