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Road Tax online

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Yeah - done it past year or so now for two lots of tax. Works great. Need the code that comes through on your renewal letter or just stick in a number from your logbook and your number plate (its all explained on the site) then follow the instructions - 6/12 months, payment details - and off it goes. Turns up about 4 days later. Beats going down and standing in line at the post office!

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there's a £2 surcharge if you pay via credit card,but there is no surcharge if you pay via debit card...............I used it for the past 2 years on all my cars and it saves waiting in queues

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You can't pay by credit card in the Post Office anyway, so its nice you now can if need be.


SORN is even quicker. It's about 3 clicks and the car is SORN'd! Very easy..

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takes a day or so to update insurance details at the DVLA from insurers database, I had to wait after changing a reg plate on the car as it came up as no insurance details found when I first tried to get the tax online.

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Just sorn'd the Escort this morn and it was a doddle, and saved a stamp too :) Will defo try the online taxing method this time.

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Did mine tax online at about 5pm on monday, the disc came through the door this morning. Very pleased how quick it came (although i don't need it till the end of the month)

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I did my tractor the other day online.


Very easy especially as there's no tax to pay on it.

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I did my tractor the other day online.


Very easy especially as there's no tax to pay on it.



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