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Gearstick.. stuck!!!

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Alright.. it's seems things on happen in pairs...


My gearstick stuck last night... this is completely new as car was running like a dream... but last night I couldn't get into any gear.. not first, not reverse.. nowt... almost as if no gears existed!!!


Any ideas what this might be about?


Does this mean I need a new glutch/ gearbox?... if so where could I get needed parts for a 1992 G60...


I'm learning as I go with this... still love the car though!

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have a look under the bonnet at the linkage and the cables leading to it, are thse all secure? can you get free range of movement when you move the linkage by hand? Can you engage any gears when its not running ?


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Happened once before... but after a bit of fiddling it was fine and not problem since then so I forgot about it... yesterday it was totally seized up though... wouldn't budge once I started the engine!

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