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jamex sportsline ksuspension kit

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has any one used the jamex sports kit on corrado vr6?

i have seen it for £169.99 for the kit.

any views comments would be appreciated

thanx jay

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£170 for suspension? No offence but I wouldn't expect much from it.


Personally with something as important as the suspension, I wouldn't compromise because of price. You wouldn't spend £20 on a set of new brakes.

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I wouldn't mind knowing if anybody has tried that jamex kit too. Some folk don't expect to much from a set up such as that, just a lower ride height, slightly better handling and a decent ride would make me happy.

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I had the Jamex sportsline on a mk2 Golf and was happy with it for the price, definitely handled better than standard. Saying that I had two rear shocks go which is abit un-nerving whilst cornering hard, both replaced on warranty.


I thought Jamex had gone out of business and had become Gmax. Maybe wrong as its a while ago but anyway, I got the Gmax kit for the VR Corrado and it was better than what came off. Ended up changing the springs for Chassis dynamics and keeping the gmax shocks as the front felt too soft compared to the rear and the ride height was abit too low for my liking. Thought they may just use the same kit / springs on all the Corrados and don't allow for the extra weight of the VR.


For the price I think its a pretty good bet, just not sure about the VR weight.

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Cool! How did you find the ride quality, was it a bone shaking or harsh, crashy ride, or a good compromise from a standard set up?

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I've been pretty happy with the ride, the amount of roll it reduces made it worth it for me, and doesn't make the Corrado look like a 4x4. I'd buy the same again, just make sure the kit is different to the lighter engined cars as the original springs I had didn't feel even, and the car seemed to dive into corners and make the back light early. Still fun though, just the chassis dynamics springs made it feel more neutral again. May have just been the wrong kit.

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Used to have the Jamex kit on my MK1 16V eons ago and like RPMayne found, it was a little soft. Ride quality was OK from what I remember, but being a MK1, it's rough and ready anyway so didn't matter!

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