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My warning lamp and buzzer activate intermittently, usually after i've checked the oil level as though i have disturbed something in the dip stick. I've tried disconnecting the white sensor but the buzzer/lamp still activated, and i did the same with the brown sensor to no avail.


The oil is sloshing around nicely when i take the cap off and she doesn't use any oil


What i would like to know is :-


1) Why did the buzzer/lamp still go off when they were disconnected?


2) Is changing them just a case of unscrewing them and screwing a replacement in?


3) Which sensor do i need, brown or white?


4) Finally, where is best to get them? GSF, ECP or VAG?


Apologies for all the questions but i'm due to drive back up North next week, and i swear i'll part ex the Rado en-route if the buzzer doesn't shut it!! :bounce2:

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Mate, I've had the same problem with mine now for a few months.


I've changed both sensors for VAG items, and remade the connections onto each.


I've found that when the weather is dry the problem is worse.


I've had the oil pressure checked properly, which came back fine, and like yours, mine uses zero oil.


Try this, when the buzzer is sounding, flash your main beam, and the buzzer stops! Sounds wierd but it works!


Which leads me to think I have some kind of electrical problem in the clocks where the lamp and buzzer live.


Not much help I know but it the stops the noise and stops my bottom end paranoia! (oo-er)

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Yeah i tried the flashing the full beam thing a good few months back, actually posted it on the forum lol!!! I'm beginning to think maybe electrical to, as when driving today and the buzzer started, i put the dipped beam on and it cured it. Well, for a couple of mins anyway :(


How much were your sensors from VW Matt? Do i just unscrew the old one and screw the new one in its place??

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IIRC the sensors were about £9 each from VAG, but I had to wait for them to be ordered.


Its just a case of straight swap though, old one out, new one in. The new ones come with a fitted brass washer, so you don't have to worry about seals etc...


HTH mate, good luck, and if you get any closer to solving it, let us know! :)

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Cheers Matt! I'm proper reluctant to be at the mercy of an auto leccy just yet as they seem to have a licence to charge whatever they want lol! If i get to the bottom of it i will let you know though :)

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