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Complete Suspension/Brake/Disc/Bush Overhall-What do i need

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Are we talking about the 'large wishbone' bush here?? i went to see my VW man last night who will be doing the work. he said these are the buggers that go all the time so if TT 1s work then it would be good to know. Will you ask your mate which 1s they are (ie confrim they are from the V6 etc etc) mine wont be free you see :)


Happy handling :lol:

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Shake my hand!!


cheers griff, if you are about come show season then a pint of over priced warm beer is yours from me!! 8) 8) :lol:

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haha, cheers :)


the other bushes (labelled 1) in the above link i have replaced with standard VW rubber, however when you actually look at the design of the wishbones and they way they sit on the car, its the ones labelled number 2 that do all the work anyway, so i'm hoping for a ride comparable to somewhere near that of the standard bushes, but with a bit more bite on turn-in... - we shall see!


managed to get the subframe and rear beam all back on and bolted up today - just gotta put the brakes back on now and change the water pump tomorrow and i'm done - so hoping to be mobile again after tomorrow - we will see what the good lord has in store for me!


hopefully be reporting back for you soon...

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i took my C to get the geometry all sorted this morning and on the way there it developed a misfire, which on closer inspection lead me to believe my head gasket has gone pop! :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


i will confirm whether it has or not tonight (can't at the mo as the car is still getting the tracking squared away), but if it has i shall be unbelievably gutted - it has spent 3 months off the road waiting for parts or for me to have the time to put into it, then the second day its back on the road again - someone up there doesn't like me at the moment!


if it has indeed gone pop then i will try and sort myself out with another engine so i have got transport in the mean time while i sort my original engine out...


i will tell you how it feels on the road once it's all sorted though....

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Aw mate thats well crap!!


Hope its not the dreaded head!! Fingers crossed for you :)


Just got me some ARBs to go on at the same time so I should really tell the differance when all is sorted.......


im defo wanting to know how you rate the TT bushes, im thinking the same as you with regard to stock-ish feel with a slightly sharper turn in........ or pehaps they will (hopefully) last longer!

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i'm pretty certain its the gasket after inspection as the car has been losing water now for a little while - not been much, but been slowly getting worse - it's been off the road now for near enough 3 months in the cold, so even though it did have antifreeze in it, that was probably enough to push it over the edge. also i put some coolant flush in yesterday and it's gone today, so chances are that the flush dislodged whatever was left of the gasket :(


on the plus side after i got the car back from having it tracked, it felt pretty good - stock feel to the ride, sharper turn in etc, but can't give a full review as yet as i only drove it steadily and only for about 2 miles, owing to the gasket failure.

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Afternoon all,

I've just got some 288mm Calipers and am looking to get them fitted soon, but am pondering whether to get my suspension bushes replaced when it's in the shop to try to save some labour costs. Can I ask for a ball park price (and reputable supplier) on the below:


Discs - most likey just OEM

Pads - seems the Green Stuff are back in fashion?

Bushes - Standard VW most likleybut I'm also tempted when reading about these TT bushes that slot straight in

Anti Roll Bars - again OEM unless anyone has any recommendations

Labour - How many hours do you think this little lot will take to replace?



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hey there my friend, VW discs and greenstuff pads; i'm afraid i don't have any ideas about prices.


as for bushes - the whole lot from VW will cost about £60 (i think - given that i got bits from audi and powerflex as well for mine)


the TT bushes that go in the front were about £30 for the pair, so not cheap as far as bushes go, but even though i haven't driven far on them yet - from what i have driven, i was very happy with them


anti roll bars - these are personal preference. in standard form the VR has a 20mm (sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong) front ARB and the rear hasn't really got one to speak of; it's got a nominal effort on the form of a small piece of tube welded between each side of the rear beam, but to be honest this does bugger all that you would notice. you can either go in for the full eibach kit (front & rear) which will give the car a much tighter feel around bends, roundabouts etc but still have a bit of inherant understeer.

or you could just get hold of a rear ARB (again preferably eibach as they are better than neuspeed etc) which will again give the car better roll characteristics, but it will help to eliminate just about all understeer, but leave the car more tail happy than it originally was and more prone to lift-off oversteer (think 205 gti!) - this is what i'm going with (fitting the ARB whilst putting my engine back together) as i had a 205 gti and loved the lift-off, but it's personal prefernce at the end of the day, so you'll have to suck it and see...


labour wise, i dont think it's going to be cheap to replace all the bushes on the car as the rear beam has to come off, which means disconnecting brake lines that will almost invariably break, so in all honesty i have no idea of a ball part figure as it depends to what extent you do bushes (i.e all - meaning steering rack bush, anti-roll bar bushes, lower arm bushes and rear beam bushes, or all - meaning lower arms and rear beam) and to what garage you take it to as they all charge different labour rates, and i wouldn't like to say how long it would take.

your best bet is to take it to your desired garage and get a quote - make them have a look under the car to see whats involved if they are uncertain when giving you a quote!

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