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Quick tip...

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I'd been having loads of problems getting the old VAG pinch clips of hoses over the last few days and didn't want to spend 30 squid on a tool to do the job (£30 is an oil change to me).


Here's the tip.


Get a jubilee clip.

Pop it over the top and bottom prongs of the pinch clip

Crank it tight until it loosens the the pinch clip.

Remove pinch clip.



Not sure if its of use but I spent ages trying to do it with pliers before working this method out.. they all came of instantly after.


*mods feel free to move if you think it's necessary*

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Good tip!


Pliers, grips etc work OK, but you can't leave the VAG hose clamp in an open state though. With the jubilee clamp idea, you can 8)

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I tend to use water pump pliers. can be very fiddly though, and the spring clips generally get replaced with jubilees whenever I get the chance.

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They're some reason why you shouldn't use Jubliee clips on water pipes though... Buggered if I can remember now....

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yes they are a fiddle, but spring clips don't seem to corrode badly, they apply very even pressure around a hose (and the correct pressure if used in the right sizes) and I've never seen them damage a hose like a 'screw-up' jubilee can.

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Yes as davidwort says the original spring clips give the right pressure to the hoses, many a disaster has happened with jubilee clips on water hoses....... including me :( ....the housing that holds the blue & black temp sensors broke off on me doing 120 mph because the jubilee clip was too tight.

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