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nick vr6

Lifeless vr

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This morning my 95 VR6 started and ran fine.....but this afteroon it's not doing anything!!! Alarm opens doors and unarms but the engine doesn't turn over. The battery is fine as all electrics work, but there is nothing from the engine at all. Did a search and ignition switch symptoms are cranking but not firing, (plus when I've looked I can't find switch, is it below spoiler switch inside lower dash?) Anyone any ideas please??

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Sounds like a ignition switch to me, can you get the stereo or heater blower motor to work in the engine 'run' position?

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Yes everything works fine, it's just like the immobiliser is on, but it isn't. Is the ignition switch mounted below the spoiler switch inside lower dash?

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nope its in the housing that you push your key into.

can be a bit of a nightmare to change,well i thought so anyway.

There is a howto in the knowledge base electrical section.


I just used the Bentley manual when i did mine.

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Thanks dirtytorque have found and removed switch, you're right it is a pain to do. Will have to wait till monday to see if it is that thats causing the problem.

Is there a way to 'hotwire' it so that I have use of the car ie. connecting certain wires together?

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its a very common prob,most corrado owners come across it at some point.

i reckon it will be that.



dunno about a bypass method mate.




cheers. :)

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Still no life in the old girl!! :( I've changed the ignition switch and still nothing happens :(

Does any one else have any ideas?

VAG-COM says that factory imobiliser is alright, laserline one swithches off/on fine, yet engine doesn't do a thing.

Everything but the engine work (not good for a car)

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No noise at all from the dash or engine bay?? No clicks?


You need to locate the thick red and black wire that goes from the ignition switch to the starter motor solenoid plug, check it's clean and connected ok and see if you get 12V down it when the ignition switch is turned...


If you don't get 12V and you've changed the switch then it's likely to be an alarm type issue


Also check all fuses and re-seat relays

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Was just outside "tapping" starter motor with a hammer. Tested for powre and it's getting to starter. There are clicks from relays, so now I suspect it's starter motor, but surely that would make a click/bang if stuck.

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So your getting 12V down that starter line to the solenoid?


Try whacking the solenoid with a bar while someone turns the key...

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Hi it might be obvious, but have you checked the fuse for the spoiler. If this blows you cant start the engine on the VR, i think its on the same circuit as the fuel pump.

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But surely the starter motor would still tick over, even if the fuel pump wasnt working due to blown fuse- just theres no fuel to fire the engine up.

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The engine definetly wont start if you blow the spoiler fuse.....well thats the case on my car anyway. When my immobiliser/alarm wasn't working I used to take out the spoiler fuse overnight...cant trust the natives around here. As I said I'm not sure what the connection is between the engine and the fuse.

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Sorry guys should have read the post properly. Didnt realise your engine wasnt firing at all.......when you blow the spoiler fuse the enine does start for about half a second then dies.

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Think I've finally sorted it out. Just taken the starter motor off (outside in the dark) and found that the starter earth strap has corroded through :shock:

New starter motor tomorrow and hopefully all will be well again for a while.

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Yeah, should be fixable with some solder but then again if its original and off the car you might as well stick a new one on...

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Earth strap well and truly fecked, so got a new starter. Just finished fitting it, and she lives again!!! :D

For the first time since Saturday I'm mobile again :D

Thanks for help and ideas guys

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