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Hello from a newb!

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Hi guys,


Been a long-time lurker, thought I'd post and say hi.


Basically, as I'm sure was the case for many of you, a Corrado is my dream car, and I *will* own one! Most likely next year, but still. I've currently got a really nice Mk2 Golf GTI 16V which is terrific, and has given me a taste for nice quick old VWs and the large amount of money required to keep them going!


Anyway, the next big question is which type to go for - G60, VR6 or 16v? I'm a bit worried about the maintenance costs of a G or a VR (I've heard the VR6 is an awful engine to work on because it's so huge, and the MPG is pretty terrible for a daily driver). I'm sure it's been debated on here countless times, so if any of you can link me to any "G60 vs VR6" threads I'd be very grateful!



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Welcome to the forum! You will find all the information you need to know if you use the search. G60 vs VR6 threads have been done before so you will find them if you search for it.


The VR6 isnt a bad daily at all, i dont know who told you they give terrible MPG because for a v6 they are pretty good really. 30mpg is easily accessible with sensible driving, unless of course you do short journies in traffic. I drive mine through town for a bit and then on some 60mph roads for about 10 miles each day to work, i ALWAYS give it the beans when possible and i average 28mpg! When i have actually tried to get good mpg i have managed 32mpg from it and on motorway driving even more!


Also i dont think the VR6 would be any harder to work on than a G60 or even a 16valve really, its still an engine at the end of the day only bigger!

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Cheers dude, thanks for the welcome - I'll persevere with the search when I get more time.


My GTI gets me about 32MPG if I drive reasonably sensibly, so that's not too far off is it?


I think as far as buying a C goes, it might come down to finding a good example of any spec close enough for me to go and test drive it etc, rather than holding out for a particular one and maybe buying a ringer simply because of the small amount of choice, what do you reckon?

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I'd say go for one that's in good nick if you're not all that fussed about the model or year. I have a G60 and love it to pieces. We're not talking super quick but loads of character. I went on to it from a mk3 16 valve golf GTi and one thing I would say is that the throttle response ain't nowhere near as good IMO. But I wouldn't change it for the world (or a VR6) it's so much fun to drive. Other than the charger I would say that's a very easy engine to work with. I'm not the most experienced home mechanic you're ever going to meet and I find it easy. And I wouldn't worry too much about maintenance costs. They potentially could be a lot with any corrado. Just depends on how lucky you are and what breaks.


Although I own a valver I still haven't actually driven it. :(


Other than that welcome to the forum and good luck with the search! :D

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Thanks mate!


OK - here's a question for you all, rather than start a new thread:


Stupidly, the one thing that's really putting me off getting a C, is that while my girlfriend's Mk4 Polo and the Mk2 Golf GTI fit on my driveway, a Corrado and the Polo won't. I pretty much live in Chavtopolis so the idea of leaving the Corrado on the street gives me the chills, or the Polo for that matter.


Short of moving my house back a couple of feet, I'm a bit stuck. I don't want to leave one of the cars on the road, and I don't want to have a foot of bonnet overhanging the footpath either. Stupid thing is, my gf only uses the polo on weekends and her day off mid-week, so it hardly gets used, but she needs it so we can't really get rid (plus I don't like her driving the GTI!).


Any thoughts guys?

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My VRs a daily drive and the economy is great, certianly better than 32MPG on a motorway/sensible drive ;)


Best to search for the age old "VR vs G60" threads rather than start another one here, as it'll probably get locked due to there being a million other threads on the subject :lol:


I can't imagine owning anything else, and in one form or another (I will get this T70 in one of these days) hopefully I won't :)


welcome to the forum mate, and have fun here

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Yeah don't worry, I was just wondering if there was a sticky thread somewhere I should be reading, but I'm just poring over the wealth of info here... trying to dispel some myths I've heard along the way from other sources!


Glad to hear a VR can be a daily driver - I do on average 16 miles a day on my trip to work and back and that's not going to be changing any time soon. I don't mind spending money on my car to keep it right but I don't need a money pit! :)

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mines been my daily drive for 5 years, and touch wood I've never had many bad bills, just me buying bells and whistles for it, rather than running repairs.


What sort of myths are you refering to? 9 out of 10 new folks seem to think all these terrible things about the G-Ladden or VR engine because they heard them from a friend of a friend. Pretty much any question you can think of can be answered here, and truthfully :)


Chains at around 120-130k (you can hear if they are going) is a biggish job, which mine is waiting on at the moment (140k), but they haven't started making the bad noises yet, I'm getting them done more for peace of mind, and the fact everything is going to be opened up soon for the head gasket, clutch etc, but thats because of the turbo conversion


I don't think anyone here will tell you they aren't a money pit, as we've all either had the bills or had a mate who has, some are just luckier than others. They aren't what you'd call an investment if you are running them daily, and spending on upgrades (which you will ;) )


what about a nice `05 plate Polo Diesel for you? :lol: ;)

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Stupidly, the one thing that's really putting me off getting a C, is that while my girlfriend's Mk4 Polo and the Mk2 Golf GTI fit on my driveway, a Corrado and the Polo won't. I pretty much live in Chavtopolis so the idea of leaving the Corrado on the street gives me the chills, or the Polo for that matter


If i read that correctly you are thinking that a corrado is bigger than a mk2? If you havent seen a corrado in the metal before mate i think you will be surprised at how small they actually are, put a corrado next to a mk2 golf and the golf looks like a house! So i would imagine it would fit on the drive fine, just tell your missus to watch when opening her doors :roll: :lol:


If you didnt know already, we have a Buyer Guide here on the forum in the Knowledge Base. You should check that out and take a copy with you when looking at corrados as it tells you all the signs to look out for, if you can find a neat corrado that ticks all the boxes of the buyers guide then you shouldnt have too many problems!


I agree with everything Dave has said, the VR is a great daily car, i fcuking love mine! It wipes the floor with a lot of cars on the road and its over 12 years old!! And if you spend a bit of money and time on renewing parts like the suspension and bushes etc and you will realise why they were porsche competition back in the day and voted one of the best handling FWD cars ever!


The VR lump is pretty bullet proof, i think you just have to be unlucky to get one that needs regular work on! As Dave mentioned budget for the chains, clutch, head gasket etc when the miles get a bit high and other than that if its regularly serviced using quality products you wont have any problems!!

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No way?!?


I've seen plenty of C's in the metal, at shows etc (plus my gf's grandad has one!) but I've never parked the Mk2 up against one to check - I was convinced the Corrado would be longer by a good half foot!


That's pretty cool news... one less reason to hesitate out the window!


It's probably just the coupe shape as opposed to the hatch, making it look longer. :D


I'm fastidious about maintenance on all my cars - I'll always spend money long before something goes badly wrong (I've spent at least a grand and a half on the Mk2 already and I've only had it about a year) so I've got no problem with running maintenance. The only reason I was a bit reticent about the VR lump is that a mechanic mate of mine swears they're a nightmare because they fill up so much of the engine bay "most things are an engine-out job" in his words. Was he exaggerating?


I'd really like to get a Corrado that's been club-member owned, pampered and kept well, rather than get some "mystery" car from the Trader or whatever, so I'm going to be keeping a regular eye on the classifieds on here. I also like the idea you've got here whereby other members local to a car will go and give it the once-over for you - this is great, as the relative scarceness of Corrados means I'm going to have to travel to view.


Thanks for all the help guys! Still no closer to deciding between a VR or a G60 tho.. but that's all part of the fun right?! :lol:

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Well the corrado most probably is a bit longer than the golf actually, but i dont think its that much longer?? My sister had a mk2 golf and i gave it a full machine polish and valet for her before she sold it (came up a treat!) and i had to put it in the garage where i usually park my corrado and it didnt seem much shorter if any shorter really, saying that though hers was a 5 door so most probably longer than a 3 door??


There are always some good examples coming up for sale on here mate so you wont have any trouble there! And its a good time to buy at the minute as corrado prices seem to have gone down recently which is a shame but good for buying, just bad for selling (but i wont have to worry about that as i wont sell mine, and even if i do it will be AGES away and they will be classed a classic then and the value will be sky high :D) And if you ask nicely im sure someone will happily check one out for you local to them if you dont get one off the forum!


And most jobs can be done on the VR with the engine still in place easily enough! You may have to jack it up to get access to some parts but thats easy enough to do, just undo the mounts and jack it up a bit!

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Everyone I know with a G60 loves it and everyone I know with a VR loves it. Come to think of it everyone I know with a corrado loves it. Can't see that you'll be dissapointed with either of them. Like the VR there are just certain things on the G you need to keep an eye on and get done when they need doing. With the G60 you just have to keep on top of charger maintenance. There's a small drive belt that needs doing annually (costs about a tenner) and you need to check regularly for boost leaks and oil coming out where it's not supposed to (more info on the buyer's guide). Other than that it's really just an 8v GTi engine.


You sound like you have your head screwed on about these things and I'm sure you'll be fine. If you find a nice VR and the money is right I wouldn't be put off by what your mate is saying. Grab it while you have the chance! :D

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