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What does it mean, German translation

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By C is a LHD and has a sticker in the form of a signature on the boot which read Bitte Ein Bit. does anyone know what this means or even why its there

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searched it on google and its apparently a slogan for bitburger brewery and it means "a bit please" in english !!!

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searched it on google and its apparently a slogan for bitburger brewery and it means "a bit please" in english !!!




Bitte is please

Ein is one

Bit is short for Bitburger


"One Bit please" is indeed the translation, but it's clever cos Bit and Bitte rhymes...

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And they say that the Germans have no sense of humour !!!


Its funny that.. the few times i've spent over there with German Rocco/Rado owners have been brilliant - they're pretty hilarious and completely off their heads from a drinking / partying point of view.. even if the language barrier gets in the way sometimes!

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