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seized brake

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please help . 16v drivers side rear calliper is stuck fast . tried jerking the car back and forward and it is just dragging on the gravel . have done a search and know that a sticky calliper will only get worse and probably needs replacing but could o with freeing it up for the time being .have taken the wheel of and coated it in brake dust remover gand let it soak , its just i am not sure what to do next , old dude next door says whack it with a hammer . if this is right where should i be hitting . not even sure how the calliper works . any help reatly appreciated





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Yeah give it a whack with a hammer. Hit the caliper all over just to loosen it. Then hit the top rear and bottom rear of the caliper to make it move towards the front of the car. It should loosen it and hopefully free it up. The caliper works by pushing a piston out (brake pedal applied) this pushed the inner pad onto the disc while the outer one stays static. They will be close together when the brake pedal is applied.



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wow a handbrake that works for a change, have you tried driving forwards and forcing it to drag... if you by chance have an old set of wheels and tires it might be better to fit them that flat spotting your normal ones, apart from that undo the calliper and cappier and massage with a hammer until free of the disk, take the calliper off and clean it up a bit and try reinstalling it, worked for me last week!

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