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Brake Pressure Dramas!

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Hi guys, need some HELP!


Bought my first corrado a month ago and like a new girlfriend shes making me work hard! :x


While i was out and about the brakes decided to let go all of a sudden, but they werent great to begin with. luckily i was parking at the time, so minimal damage. :mad2:


The brake system is not holding any pressure at all. i changed the master cylinder and put on new discs and pads all round, cleaned the calipers and pumped a load of new dot 4 through the system to get rid of the old stuff. The problem is that i pump the pedal it gets hard then as soon as i take my foot if it goes soft again.


If anyone can help i'll be so grateful as its coming up to the end of the month and i dont want to miss any events!


Cheers D

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Forgot to mention in my essay that every time i press the brake pedal the engine note changes a tiny fraction?


Is it that bad or have I asked an embarrassingly silly question??? :oops:


You're using the pedal in *middle* right? ;)

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It's normal for the engine note to change - the brakes are, after all, vacuum assisted.


Got ABS? Do you need to bleed the ABS line? Did you adjust the rear brake balance valve so that you could bleed the rear lines? You might just have a faulty master cylinder ..

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Dr_Mat I gotta say you put a smile on my face! :D


No ABS on this one.

This problem was there before I bled the system.

I changed the master cylinder straight after i hit a bollard, thinking that was the problem. Discs and pads were for good measure. But never made a difference.


Whats this about the rear balance?

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