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Saint Tricky

Touareg Cigarette Lighter Socket Torch

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i have jsut found out the problem, thoes with power outlet writen on the cap are intended for the boot and have a diffirent design to the lighter sockets in the cabin of the car which have little spring bits inside to grab the lighter / torch, problem solved, only im stuck with a usless £10 socket and need to go buy another!

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I used a socket out of the front of a mK4 Golf for mine. Those boot mounted ones with power 12v written on them are useful for running a sat nav, and I have one of those in my passenger side under dash tray so I don't have to have wires coming out of the fron of my dash.

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I got a amber/red cig sleeve from audi at the weekend and found that the lighter/socket that came with it was smaller in diameter than the existing one. Has anyone managed to fit the later/smaller socket into the cig lighter part of the dash? Would like to get the torch myself actually. Any advice?

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I had to make a new holder for mine Leon. Few hours work with MDF anf covering in vinyl. It should be 'relatively' easy to mod the existing one though. Basically, cut a circle of plastic the same size as the hole. Glue/plastic weld it in. Smooth it off, drill a new hole, and give it a quick respray with black paint.

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