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ARP rod bolts on a G60

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OK so I have a set of these ready to go in. I brought them from BBM and i'm sure they're the right ones, but I'm having trouble pressing them in. When I'm pressing them they go through the rod it's self just fine but the raised spines are too big to go into the cap easily without cutting quite deeply into it. Are they meant to cut in or am I doing something wrong?

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Hi I was wondering if your engine survived this bottom end re-build?


I am (this morning) in the process of fitting new shell bearings and such to the yellow peril.


The ARP bolts do indeed have bigger splines! Did they work out or not?


I have been asked not to open the pack in case they are the wrong bolts then they can be sent back for the correct items.


Pack No is VW Water cooled - Rabbit engine.Pack .No: 1004 - 602


I have checked the ARP cataloge in the states and along with Rabbit it sez Corrado all models??


Ta muchly.



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OK so I have a set of these ready to go in. I brought them from BBM and i'm sure they're the right ones, but I'm having trouble pressing them in. When I'm pressing them they go through the rod it's self just fine but the raised spines are too big to go into the cap easily without cutting quite deeply into it. Are they meant to cut in or am I doing something wrong?


couldn't really picture what you were talking about tbh.

Anyway If there the right part then i'm sure it will be fine.

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Rod bolts are splined so they grip the the piston con rod and the cap.. As you tighten it stops the bolt spinning so you can reach torque.


As you can see the standard and ARP are different. The ARP has bigger more agressive splines and also has em in the centre of the bolt. Its the splines that worry me.. They wil need to be pushed through the metal of the con rod and cap.. Ie cutting in to it..


If I open the ARP pack and they are wrong I can't return and get the correct items.. So I need to know..


Bit weird that the ARP pack sez Rabbit engine IE golf.


More shots of the days work to follow..

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