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Vag com - common VR6 values?

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I've finally got the VAG-COM working and have been driving the car about trying to find a possible cause for the intermittent stalling. There were lambda and speed sensor error codes but I guess that could just show when it stalls. I've reset the codes and none have come back.


Thing is, is there a list of average values for a correctly running VR6 to cross check? Things such as..


Ignition advance at idle and higher speeds (on mine goes between -6 idle and -36 higher revs)

Lambda values (mine never seems to change from 1.0)

EGR (mines at 217deg.C although I take it the UK Corrados don't have this)

ISV duty cycles at idle (mines at 55%ish)


Also, should the vehicle speed in km/h register as it stays at 0 on mine.



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They're all slightly different car to car.


What is your coolant temperature saying? Should be close to the temp gauge. If it's not reading properly the car won't be leaving the cold start map, your lambda values won't get a chance to self learn and your economy will be poor.


It probably isn't that, but it sounds familiar to something I saw the other day.

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They're all slightly different car to car.


What is your coolant temperature saying? Should be close to the temp gauge. If it's not reading properly the car won't be leaving the cold start map, your lambda values won't get a chance to self learn and your economy will be poor.


It probably isn't that, but it sounds familiar to something I saw the other day.


Yes, sounds very familiar..... could that have been my motor?

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Meant to send you a message to see how it's going now? Fuel economy a bit better?


Did you get the bonnet cable sorted?

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The coolant temperature matched the needle which was today was around 80deg. Does the vehicle speed in km/h usually work? I don't think I am ever going to get this car to run right. :(

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Meant to send you a message to see how it's going now? Fuel economy a bit better?


Did you get the bonnet cable sorted?


Fuel economy a bit better, but being in London I spend quite a lot of time standing still, which affects the average.


Bonnet cable is still broken, I went to VW today, but the parts place was shut. Must get out of bed earlier! That bit of rope works brilliantly though, thanks a lot again.


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The coolant temperature matched the needle which was today was around 80deg. Does the vehicle speed in km/h usually work? I don't think I am ever going to get this car to run right. :(


Did it read 77.7 by any chance? or did it move up and down? how about from dead cold?


The vehicle speed should work as the later full versions of VAG COM will do 0-60 and Quater mile times from these values. Think mine works as I've plotted speed against engine revs and all sorts of geeky stuff.


The engine speed sensor error should show when the car is not running. VAG COM expects a signal and throws an uppity when it doesn't see one.


Which lambda fault did you get? has it reoccured? This could be the issue with your stalling. Do a bit of a search on here as I'm sure other people hav mentioned tests for the lambda.


The ISV sounds about right, and so does the advance. From cold it normally tops out about 20ish degrees. Dunno what the EGR value is, maybe lambda temp or something, but mine sits on 217 and moves to 185 or something occasionally I think.


Any more errors?


I'd try cleaning the ISV as it might not be reacting quickly enough to the revs dropping at junctions.

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Fuel economy a bit better, but being in London I spend quite a lot of time standing still, which affects the average.


Bonnet cable is still broken, I went to VW today, but the parts place was shut. Must get out of bed earlier! That bit of rope works brilliantly though, thanks a lot again.





Glad the makeshift relaease is still holding up. Been thinking about a permanant fix to the wanky metal clip, might fiddle with a spare lever I've got knocking around.


I normally order parts midweek, then I can pootle in Friday evening or Saturday morning. Sadly they surprised me with a bill for £77 last night. was only expecting £50 or so. Makes £200 I've spent on rubber bits and brake disks with them in the last few weeks... :(

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if your Lambda sensor is reading a constant 1 something isn't right.....

it should fluctuate around 1 to both + and - values, but i can't remember by how much...



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Thanks for the comms. Funnily enough I think the temp was 77.7 which I thought was abit low, usually about 95 but it matched the needle. Will check that when its cold later on to see whether it changes.


Don't understand why the km/h does not register then, no related errors from the VAG-COM were displayed.


I definitely didn't see the lambda change at all from 1.0. The message was along the lines of lambda inplausable signal or out of range. Took the car out for a 2hr drive and no errors came back, but didn't stall either. Lambda and connector wiring have both been renewed within the last 2 years.


MPG on a sensible motorway drive can hit 34mpg. It is absolutely flat from idle to about 1500rpm though, accelerating in gear between this range results in a crawl then take-off.


This morning it was well rough, hunting between 550-1000 ish revs. Had to use the clutch to pull the engine revs up at near enough every junction.

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77.7 seems to be the default temperature if the sender is playing up.


The KM/H error could be a broken wire somewhere, seems bloody strange though.



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I definitely didn't see the lambda change at all from 1.0. The message was along the lines of lambda inplausable signal or out of range. Took the car out for a 2hr drive and no errors came back, but didn't stall either. Lambda and connector wiring have both been renewed within the last 2 years.


You have a faulty lambda ...


The lambda reading in VAGCOM should fluctuate from about 0.8/0.9 to about 1.1 *once the car is on closed loop*, certainly at warm idle you should see it moving. This would certainly tie in with the error code you saw. The rest of your readings don't sound bonkers, so I'd concentrate on the lambda.

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Before I ordered the new Lambda I thought I would check the VAG-COM once more just to make sure and this time the lambda appears to be working, changing from between 0.8-1.1 and back roughly every second. Now unless the readings are slightly out I assume I can now discount this, although last time I am sure it didn't change from 1.


I checked the error codes and 4 were stored:


00281 - Vehicle speed sensor (G68) - 27-00 implausable signal

65535 - Internal control module memory error - 00-00 - -

00537 - Lambda (oxygen sensor) regulation - 11-10- control limit not reached - intermittent

00515 - Camshaft position (hall) sensor (G40) - 29-10- short to ground - intermittent


I reset the codes, took the car for a ragging and left it to idle. Initially after conecting the laptop back up there were no errors, but after about 5 minutes the 00281 - Vehicle speed sensor error code reappeared.


Other reading were as follows when at idle:


Coolant temp 96.6

Intake temp 41.3

Battery 13.4

ISV 1.1

ISV duty 61%

Throttle 12.9 deg


Does any of this sound like it could be causing the intermittent idle and flatness upto 2k revs? What is the G68 sensor actually used for? The speedo works but the VAG-COM vechicle speed doesn't. Never seen the camshaft position (G40) error come up before, should I believe this?


Also, any cheap working heater controls going? The direction dial just spins now, one to add to the list.

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G68 is the engine speed sensor I thought.. i.e. the crank position sensor. If that is marginal the car will happily stall. In fact if G68 isn't working right, the car won't run at all. Sounds like yours is on the way out..

The cam sensor is cheap - you may aswell replace it too if it's got an intermittent short, it'll cost you most of the car's performance if that's not working right..

If the lambda regulation warning keeps coming back chances are you have a dodgy lambda too ...


Either all that or ..... the ECU is faulty! "Control memory error"? Never seen that before.. but doesn't sound good for the reliability of the ECU!


Not good news, but hey, at least you now know what you have to save up for! :)

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Yer, that will be a tidy amount for all of that. I might just try the cam position sensor first and hope that may be influencing the burn / lambda readings. Thing is no more than 3 years ago I fitted a new crank position sensor at £140 (VAG) and the lambda at £50 ish (GSF). Surely they can't have gone already?


The ECU error does sound abit worring, if that's not 100% then anything could happen I suppose. Will have to try looking at the error codes again and see what comes up.


The car was running perfect for about a month after coming out of a VW garage last summer after finding an air leak (don't know where), then the matrix blew up. Since then its back to its usual rough state.

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Well, given the breadth of faults being thrown up and having had all those bits replaced recently I'd take a stab at getting another ECU if I were you.

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Had another look at the error codes yesterday after a drive upto London, the following came back:


00281 - Vehicle speed sensor (G68) - 27-00 implausable signal

65535 - Internal control module memory error - 00-00 - -

00537 - Lambda (oxygen sensor) regulation - 11-10- control limit not reached - intermittent


Now am I right in thinking that G68 is the gearbox sensor? This wouldn't cause the rough idle / stalling would it? My speedo is out by about 10mph at 100mph, maybe an effect?


I'm wondering whether I have bigger problems than just an odd sensor with this ECU error reappearing. I still have problems with the fuel pump prime seeming to get stuck in a loop, priming every 0.5sec when about to start (brr.. brr.. brr.. .. ..) instead of the normal single cycle (brrrrrrrrrr). When it does stop priming, if I turn the head lights on and off it will prime again?? Could there be a supply problem causing this?


I cleared the codes and with the engine running I tried quickly turning the ignition off then back on. The engine stalled and the ECU error reappeared along with G28 crank sensor (normal). Maybe the power to the ECU is intermittently failing?


As for the Lambda, maybe that is a genuine fault although the probe is not very old (GSF one admittedly about 2 years ago) so maybe something else is causing the mixture to be wrong hence bad lambda readings.


The journey of about 130 miles round trip gave a MPG of about 30 which doesn't sound too bad to me.


I dunno.....

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GSF lambda .. ?

I've heard of a few people claim they've failed early, so maybe start there?

Yes 30mpg isn't bad.

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Hi fellas,


Quick Qs - I've reset the ECU for the first time since getting new VR lump installed. Followed the procedure and got to the point of going into basic settings on VAG-COM (last part). Thats as far as i got as i was prompted that i had to activate the program inorder to access that area and others. It states on the WIKI guide that its pointless doing the first part of the procedure if you dont go into VAG-COM and run the basic settings. IS this the case, i will get it activated if so or is it not really necessary?


Also i've read you guys going on about figures with the different components, is that in a part of VAG-COM that i cannot access until i activate it?


Any help appreciated. Sorry to jack your thread.

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It's looking more likely that the lambda is the fault, had the laptop on it at lunchtime time today and error "00537 - Lambda regulation - 11-10- Control limit not reached" reappeared. Also had the ECU error and G68 vehicle speed sensor faults but I'm putting this down to the engine stalling.


Reset the codes and caught the 02 regulation value sitting at 0.8 continously. Went back to the fault codes and it had reappeared. Funny though because sometimes it will fluctuate between the normal 0.98 - 1.02 1/sec ish, blip the throttle then sit at 0.8 constant. At this point it sounded almost like it was misfiring, roughest it has sounded for a while. Blipped throttle later at it was back at 0.98-1.02 1/sec ish.


Also got an ABS fault now "00280 - Differential lock vlave 2 (N126) 35-00--" which keeps the ABS light on so that needs sorting before the MOT next month.


As per the locked parts of VAG-COM I'm not sure, I have a complete version which gives the data blocks and access to the 'fcuk with the settings' menu.

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Just incase anyone searches for it, the part number for a original Bosch VR6 Lambda sensor ( 4 wire white, white, grey, black) is 0258003267. I got one from GSF for £49.00+VAT. Will try and fit tonight if the rain stops and do the ECU reset procedure. Fingers crossed.

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Fitted the Lambda tonight and as I feared its made no difference. The Lambda which came out was very sooty which would point to over-fuelling wouldn't it? Also on idle the lambda regulation sits at 0.8, does that correspond to over-fuelling aswell? Help... When revved the lambda regulation goes to what looks like normal (1.0 +0.02), then settles down again and sits at 0.8.


I tried the ECU reset, drove round for 30min etc but felt no different before or after.


Took plugs 1 & 2 out to have a quick look and they looked ok, grey / light brown colour. VW fitted them and they're two pronged NGK's the gap between them being 5.23mm and the electrode is 1.93 diameter.

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I don't know of anyone nearby with a VR6 so will probably have to wait until one comes up on ebay. The VAG-COM is reporting 2 errors now, idle regulation not met and oxygen sensor regulation control limit not reached.

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Tested the MAF last night as that has come up in posts before as a possible culprit. Checked across one of the brown (earth) wires and the red wire. Apparently there should be 2.3v at hot idle and 2.8v at 3000 rpm. This was the case so assume the MAF is ok.


I think I will just throw it at the local VW garage, Stealth is about 3.5hrs away unfortunately otherwise it would go there.

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