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Rod 1

your my last hope guys

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ok, i have given m car chance after chance and this is her last one.


my car has had loads of problems and i really dont want to sell her as i dont think i'll find a nicer car to fill the void :(


anyway enough of my sobbing... my cars developed a strange creeking (sounds kind of like a hollow knocking) coming from the near side rear wheel, it creeks when weight is taken off that wheel i.e when you turn left weight is transferred to right wheel and it creeks.


second i have had a 2.0 16v engine with fast road cams put in and when its cold it struggles to start but when warm it can be turned off then started again with no struggling.


third my temp guage not working and neither is the fan, would the fan not work because the temp guage is not?


please if you have any advice please let me know as im at whits end....

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Hi, not the end of the world, or your Corrado by the sound of it mate..........


The rear wheel noise sounds like a bearing to me, i had the same happen, it was OK when iturned and put weight onto the noisy wheel, and hideous the other way.


The starting issue could be your cold start valve? Not sure on that though.


Your temp guage isn't working because your Black Temp Sensor has had enough, change it for a genuine VW one, the cheaper ones always cause problems, your Thermo Fan Switch sounds dead also


All very cheap parts to buy, the most work would be your wheel bearing. Hope this helps.



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thanx a lot mate, thats a real help. I'll give all that a go and let you know how i get on. Once again thanx a lot.

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