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corrado 16v

help 20L 16v running problem

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can you please help me with my corrado 20L 16v. ive only had it 4 months, my problem is sometimes when i go 2 accelerate the engine doesnt seem to respond or rev and feels like its going to stall but doesnt and then adventualy picks up speed and has loads of flat spots. i had it serviced on the 15th and cam belt done its been worse sence then. does any one have any ideas please.

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ok it could be a few things but heres the list for you to check...


air intake system is leaking, eg has a split in it


could be the volume air flow sensor(VAF) its on the air box under the round rubber air intake. its a flappy metal disc that moves up and down...could need cleaning or is sticking.


sticking throttle or a dodgy throttle position sensor.


fuel pump dodgy/ more likely a blocked fuel filter though...situated under the drivers side of car infront of rear wheel...(its a cylinder looking thing..if you just had a service it should be new looking)


Try those for starts mate it gets more technical from here on in..lol welcome to valver world.....always a new problem!

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If its bogging down my first instinct would be to check for water down the plug holes or in the distributor. If it's happening at a certain rev then it is more than likely ignition/spark related.

Either that or they ballsed up the cam change and its a couple of teeth out...but on a valver i would expect that to cause a fluent problem throughout the rev range....

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thanx for your ideas but tis now back fireing at times and i found oil on a spark plug the on next to cam belt but only on ceramic side im really gutted as its my first corrado and i love it but cant draive now please please help!!!

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Check (or get someone you trust to check)the mechanical timing.

I've come across too many cars that have been running for years with the cambelt a tooth (or even more) out.

Bottom (crankshaft) pulley also needs to be checked for tightness.

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