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FK Coilover - strange problem

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Had my car in for a service yesterday at my local VW specialist and the yreported that one of the adjusting collars on my FK Konigsport coilovers has snapped in half. That measn that one strut only has one ring holding the spring up now. The coilovers have been on the car about 5 years, but have only covered about 40,000 miles, so I wouldnt have thought they should be knackered yet....


Am checkign with Yaash motorsport where I bought them if they are covered under warrnaty.


Has anyone had similar happen? Anyone know if you can buy the locking rings separately?





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I have a pair of FK coilovers (front) going to be going in the bin soon - you're welcome to any of the bits from it, assuming they can be easily removed? :)


I'm about to go away for a few days on a short break but PM me and i'll take a look when I get back..

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Jim! :D


Id love to take one of the bottom spring seats off ya assuming they are ok? and if there is one going spare? :D

Edit:And also assuming the front collars will fit the rear? cant remember?


Unfortunately the same happened to me whilst backing the car into my unit :( What im concerned about is how dangerous it is! I dread to think what could happen if the remaining collar fell off while driving the car! :shock:


Its because of dissimilar metal corrosion and idealy they should be stainless but it comes down to cost...






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Well - not to crap on Mark's thread but i'll get some pics of just what I have when I get back and you vultures can pick whatever you want off them! Send me a PM to remind me please!

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Stripped and cleaned my FK Silverline X coilovers. Good news and bad. The fronts appear to be seized but they cleaned up easily and have been re greased but both the spring seat and locking ring one one of the rears have cracked and the spring seat on the other. In the workshop tomorrow to make some stainless replacements.

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